I re-did the essence grind on an alt

It’s the fact that the content required to get some of the essences devolves into mind numbing tedium. Questing for things is OK. Killing tough raid monsters for it is great too. Doing really hard dungeons, yep, I enjoy that as well. But picking up 10 pieces of bear butt at the southern end of the eastern bumble-you-know-what daily, for 30 days? Ugh.

The honor requirements on the pvp one is a little excessive too, but that is my opinion on the subject and others probably disagree.

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Yep this kind of garbage grind from a horrible system to begin with should always be account bound. This is NOT fun gameplay and sadly characters suck without essences.


The necklace is the sole reason I haven’t bothered with getting gear or even trying to earn azerite… screw these “essences”. Honestly I’d just do without but then you get that god awful “HEY… LISTEN… did you know you’ve got an unused essence slot!?” spam. No ****.

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Down with f2p model grinds!

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I feel your pain. I main a resto druid, ive grinded out every essence. I mainly push m+ and there is so many viable combinations of essences for us that it was needed. AoT is awesome for 20+ tyr keys.

But ive run out of things to do at 70 neck and all essences, so i started messing around on alts. Its just so de-motivating logging into an alt knowing you are about to go do naz dailies…and not just once, but everyday for multiple weeks just to get anywhere. And thats just the tip of the iceburg


Get 15 manta ray meat BUCKO.

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This is essentially the entire crux of the issue. I wouldn’t mind repeating the content ad nauseum if it were actually fun to do so. The content they’ve given us to get a lot of these essences, however, just isn’t.

I think it’s telling that people would rather clear dungeons over and over than do a WQ 10, 20 times. Blizzard can clearly create compelling, repeatable content, they just don’t want to or something? Solo content can be fun, too!


Guys i tweeted Lore about essences, I’ll have an answer real soon.

Blizzard “Soon”™

It sucks, I fully expect to have radio silence about this matter but damn would a post from blizzard either saying Yes it’s coming or it’s never coming be welcomed.

hey gamers I hope we gettin account bound essences

I love going into mechagon for the 21st day on my monk Alt to do the daily world quest so I can hit exalted in probably a week, for the ranks 3 essences, because I cba doing the dailies since I already did them for months on my priest :slight_smile:

im on my 7th and I can no longer stand actively playing wow.
Wow is now the game I have up in the background while playing something else or flipping through yt vids/pages.

This, the gcd change especially… worst change ever…

I tried on my mage and gave up when I was working on second essence, no thanks.

Yeah, I want to gear up my mage, but after gearing my priest and warlock, the thought of doing it all again makes me reconsider.

All I see is how much I have to catch up. How many things I have to grind, and acquire all over again…

No thank you

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I am not sure how you can tell they don’t have the achievement since they could be posting on another account like me, or they could have account wide achievements turned off and that isn’t likely to show up anyway. People who play a lot of alts actually very often do have multiple accounts.

Maybe you should be asking these people you claim don’t have the achievement why they ‘don’t’ instead of just making up stuff to discredit them. Or better yet just stop assuming everyone has a problem with these.

Legitimately don’t understand why you made alts if you don’t like replaying content ?

Because people would like to play all the classes the game has, but are forced into repeating some of the most mind numbing conent for weeks on end just to be relevant seems to turn people away for some reason


So these are the same people who pay for boosts to get all the classes to max level and then realize they don’t like playing alts ?

That person was wanting to do a mage - you just play the game with mage essences. There is no ‘mind numbing’ content to do.

Yeah I’m sure every one of these people that post in support of the grind that don’t have the neck achievements are posting on a separate battle.net account just to hide their progress from the forums. Definitely seems like something the majority of people would do.

And by the way, it is very easy to see if someone has the character specific achievement toggle on. These people definitely don’t.