I quit my guild today because of ninja looting

i have 100% seen guilds bring in a couple of pugs and still run a loot council. we just give them an sr and turn that piece into a ms/os roll

Would a hug help, friend?

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hmm someone is making an assumption that we are ninjas because we disagree with them. almost exactly like op is doing lmao.

The GM break his own rules on a whim based on how he feels on any given day. Bad is subjective and WoW players often lie their butts off. Most players have stat tracking and dps and players STILL lie and accuse other people of things. The good thing about addons that keep track of statistics is because it keeps some people a bit more honest.

Bottom line: You can’t trust the person. Move on. Decent folk keep their word no matter how they feel at a time or on a whim.


Okay so you hear a story and believe the story without evidence and are blocking people for asking for it.

If I went to the judge and said you murdered someone but I didn’t have proofand he tried you to life in prison are you ok with that?

be careful some other guy in here doesnt like it when you make court references in here

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If it’s Ms os, ppl basically needing everything

The lead literally said… in Discord… that he ninja’d from someone because they were bad. Lol.

I should of qualified it by saying that there are ways of doing it like the way you said, but just full loot council is very rare in pugs/should not be done.

Because it’s a post without a named victim or perpetrator that is going to result in zero action against anyone. Given that situation I got no problem taking OP at face value since their accounting of the event seems internally consistent.

Why are you acting as if it’s a court of law?

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thats fair

You are against the reference because it is a structured and legit system vs your non structured and opinionated stance.

It’s providing proof vs going by hearsay.

I literally hear vague ninja stories all the time. I don’t care what people say unless it’s proven and most rational people do, because they aren’t in a hive mind cult

A good example of a cult is like those anti gdkp posts where they say 100% of people in them buy gold when that is not provable only assumed. I don’t even run gdkps and I know it’s a cult movement

You go that hard for something without a named person at all? Ninja looting happens, we all know it happens.

It doesn’t matter if this case is real or not since it is not going to result in actionable outcomes.

This. The point of my post wasn’t to condemn anyone or make light of this specific situation. The point was to gauge whether or not this is prevalent or accepted behavior now, as I have seen/heard of a lot of it going on.

Go hard by asking OP to prove it other than a story? Really?

I don’t think anyone wants to normalize ninja looting, but those of us that play this game for some time lnow the stories people make up

X for doubt.

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bringing up the standards of the court of law on a wow forum post is going pretty hard yes.

Especially when asking for evidence that is no longer possible to collect, and is possibly against the rules.

It’s 2024, no one lies on the forums always believe in the OP.

All he has to do is show evidence of said ninja.
He has given us nothing but stories.

I believe it. I’ve been in guilds that did exactly what OP is describing.

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