I open discussion RESTO DRUID IN PVP NOT PVE

I don’t think you fully understand how much extra healing that would be. lol

I dont think you understand how much healing that isnt. With dampening getting up to 40% in less than 5 minutes. RDru just doesnt have the through put that other healers get natively.

MW bubble gives 200k+ shield every 45 seconds.
HPal can top off pretty quickly with melee wings.
Hpriest can just serenity you x2 for a lay on hands.

RDru just has to stack purgable hots that heal for 6k half way through the match with enhancement shamans purging and hitting for 100-150k.

Sounds like you’ve pinpointed a counter.

A 30% across the board buff would be the biggest buff I’ve ever seen anyone get. They just buffed Hpriest, most things got 12%, and I suspect some of that will be cut back in the next few weeks.

Yeah except there’s 9 specs and one race that counters it. No other healer has that kind of counter.

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Every other healer just has to queue into MW or Disc to be countered. lol I’m not disagreeing with you that Rdruid is weak on the charts right now, I just think a 30% across the board buff would be the reroll extravaganza of the season.

30% HOT correction with that many counters isn’t a terrible ask; literally soul leech from warlocks hit harder than majority of the druid kit.

Rdruid needs MINOR buffs/changes but im really really really Not missing rdruids rn. Prob least fun healer to queue into even more so than mw

I agree that 30% is an exaggeration but without a doubt the druid needs a change, I disagree with thinking that putting all your hots someone becomes immortal because that does not happen, you can literally have all the hots and still burst As a warrior or paladin, your life will still continue to lower much more.
Blizzard must think that the hots are efficient, for example the evoker has an efficient hot for healing a percentage of the life that received damage, apart from the fact that his base healing is greater.
It’s tedious knowing that someone is dying and you don’t have anything to really save them because you can’t cast Swiftmend because you don’t have rejuvenation on top of it, your cast heals don’t heal much because you need hots to mastery up and cast hots at that point where they are already about to die does not save anyone, it is not an efficient way to heal.

I FORGET, ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTS WHERE I THINK IF THEY SHOULD MAKE A MORE ABRUPT CHANGE IS in the mana costs, it spends too much mana and 1% less cost in rejuvenation is really not enough, I appreciate that blizzard knows that the Rdruid It’s not good but I hope they are encouraged to make changes that are worth it

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Druids just need the ability to not fall behind when using globals on things that aren’t heals, and with current mastery the way it is and the amount of hots that exist, it’s just not possible without a total rework.

that sounds interesting I imagine that Lifebloom will heal an additional percentage for each dots or something like that, thanks for your opinion, im agree with you

So druids throughput isnt bad. Id say it has good throughput.

Mastershapeshifter needs a buff. Shifting is so clunky for dpsing. Too many globals. If it autoshifted into moonkin when using starsurge and removed spell base mana cost then thatd be good and/or passively generated combo point out of form and/or auto ironfur when shifting into to bear these would make it good.

Thorns needs its mana cost cut by 80% and that would actually make it a talent you could take a lot more often.

Resto druid is strong right now.

I do not consider your opinion very correct.
I don’t know what game you’re playing to say that it’s strong, I don’t know if you play with another healer and you realize the difference there is.
Blizzard already confirmed in their hotfixes that the restoration druid is weak since 10.0.7 and I agree, that was when they changed the talent tree,
The statistics say that the resto druid is the second lowest rated healer on average. I don’t know about you but the data speaks

Show me the statistics.

Jesus…can we make Lasso last until canceled while we are at it?

I mained as rdruid for almost every wow xpac except for DF now. It felt strong at the start but then its talents got changed.

Right now my mistweaver feels more like how rdruid used to. I’m not sure how rdruid will make it back at this point but I really do miss playing my main druid.

*edit: I didn’t see this was an arena specific post


PvP Rating Cutoffs as of 9:00 a.m. PDT May 1 here statistics

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Disagree with your statement and the statistics is your current record

thats a good input though. PVE and PVP rdruid is trash… NEEDS FIX

I don’t doubt for a second that extremely well-coordinated teams can make night elf resto druid effective but that’s nobody

Buff rdruid