I didn’t care about multiboxing before and I still don’t.
I mean it is fine as long as it falls in the rules, at any given time.
It’s not really my playstyle (or I would do it myself) and I think it’s funny that people always jump to “it’s evil and bad!” until they try it and like it. Then there are “I’ve seen the light” posts like this riddled with “no, it’s still evil and bad” comments
Popcorn moment
let me guess you were one that said they were cheating or botting
I am sure blizzard is happy to know your stance on multiboxing has changed now that you want to do it yourself.
Leeloo dallas multibox
Multiboxing was the best solo player experience in WoW for me.
Too bad its against ToS now
that’s incorrect
My biggest issue was partially multi-boxers stripping a whole node in one go, but it really made it worse when it was one who was CRZ’ED from a different realm or realm cluster and made it just downright a PITA to farm herbs or ore at all.
It is , read ToS again… i reported a multiboxer and got a reply from blizz that they took action against them, they changed ToS in SL
In order to clarify their stance on Multiboxing, which many players were confused after their policy update, Blizzard has released a Support Article about Multiboxing, clarifying that the act of Multiboxing is not against the Terms of Service. However, using input broadcasting software is now a violation
i’m honestly impressed that you bolded that sentence without reading the one before it that says “Blizzard has released a Support Article about Multiboxing, clarifying that the act of Multiboxing is not against the Terms of Service.”
If you are running windows 10, just go into the setting and make it so when you mouse over a window it becomes the active window for all input. Then tile your extra accounts on a second monitor and you are good to go. No automation, so you won’t break any rules and all you need to do is just mouse over the window you want to control at that moment.
Linking the article here
Well Pyri is correct, multiboxing is fine provided you are not using software or hardware to automate sending key input to more than one client at a time.
but mlti boxers use input broadcasting software, which i guess you forgot to read
I guess you forgot to read the article I linked you where Blizz states multiboxing isn’t against ToS.
Its only not against ToS if you dont use software lol…
Ok? You said multiboxers have to use software, and have now acknowledge multiboxing is fine without the use of input broadcasting software. Progress I guess.
I guess which most do iv banned so many multi boxers lol
You work for Blizzard? That explains these terrible posts.
yea maybe …