I no longer agree with this post i made 15 days ago (3/20/21)

Also it’s a paid boost… I’m not paying 30$ a month plus 120 in boost

And the leveling experience is fundamentally different when you are leveling with the majority of the population vs trying to level after wards.

Trying to force people to level from level 1 when almost everyone will be in Outlands just creates a junk situation for them…

Probably because we’re deep into the last phase of Classic Wow.

With the swarm of Blood Elves, Draenei, and people jumping on the reduced XP requirements train the Pre-patch should be a leveling extravaganza.

Of course it affects other people. There is no one forming and running dungeon groups through the leveling process anymore. Its a wasteland that will be even worse with boosts.

That’s exactly what I’m talking about, the leveling experience is bad because everyone has the option of skipping the leveling content, be it through in-game or real life currency.

So, instead of acknowledging and fixing the problem, they just decided to sweep it under the rug and sell 58 boosts instead.

The situation got to this point about 9 months ago, back in phase 4 about a month after ZG came out and people figured out that you could just pay gold to boost you through dungeons and skip the leveling process.

Back in 2006/2007 the leveling zones were full of not just new players but also veteran players leveling their alts, which made the world feel alive no matter which level bracket you were in.

That’s a big staple of the classic MMO gameplay, if you want to play a different class, have 2 extra profession slots and enjoy all the other benefits of having an extra character, you have to work your way through the game world.

This kind of service just waters down the game and is what transformed the modern game from a classic MMO into a lobby simulator. Where you spend 50% of your time sitting in town waiting for a dungeon/arena queue.


That is the choice they make so of those player have gone thru vanilla wow before . I have gone thru it with both alliance and horde char. I am think of doing that with bc because i loved it the best.

There is no fixing the problem. When TBC drops the vast majority of people will be skipping leveling 1-58 because they will be playing on their level 60 and doing TBC content.

Reasons why a one time boost is bad for the game taken from another post on the forum.

  1. Oversaturates reputability of 70s. Less trust can be attributed if there is less investment into making a max level.
  2. Unfairness. The accomplishments of others are diminished if others can purchase it.
  3. Foot in the door. The foundation is being set for retail-esque economic pilfering from your credit card. WoW Token is next, but it won’t be the last.
  4. Lessens achievement and increases customer egress. The evidence is crystal clear that people view time sacrificed into something, even abstract, supplants the value into that something. If there’s no time sacrificed into creating a character, there isn’t the commensurate value applied. This will cause a spike of players at launch but significantly increase the quantity, both relatively and absolutely speaking, of players leaving.
  5. Dilutes valuations of level gated resources. This will make it so that people who have actually participated in game actions are rewarded appropriately, such as making primals. People who paid with their credit card will get a gold bonus as well by tapping into this bottlenecked resource and unjustly enrich themselves.
  6. Bots will buy it and the problem will accelerate. Blizzard is at fault for horrid bot detection and clearly corrupt executives looking to pad their subscription count by allowing an immersion-breaking level of automated players to extract value in more ways than one in the game. This just allows the executives decisions to continue to hurt players but increase numbers shareholders want to see.
  7. You want it because it’s so valuable. That’s a bad sign that the ethos of Blizzard is now becoming one that will allow for retail crybabies to get their decisions heard because they’re willing to spend money. Classic was a way to recapture people that don’t like retail, yet retail players have found it’s more fun (for some of them) than retail, then have the absolute audacity to ask for the same changes that created the steaming pile that is retail in this oasis away from Blizzard modern design. The idiocy one requires to ask for the same pathway that ended up in destruction after seeing the experiment that is retail end up the way it did is mind boggling but since IQ is a bell curve I’m not surprised people who favor boosts exist.
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For every single botters account that will purchase a boost with Battlenet balance that can be purchased by means of a wow token that can be had by buying it in gold that they bott’d in retail where bots do not get banned. On retail a Single bot can support 10 Classic bots without any trouble, all the while retail players who buy gold from Blizzard keep the lights on at Bot central. Most of the bot teams in Retail have dozens of bots per “Bot Train”, and bot 24-7 for gold, and things that will AH for lots of gold like rare Tmog items. This gold is used in game on the AH to buy the WoW token for reasons expressed here.

WoW token, is a mechanism where real money from real players looking to get some gold in game purchase gold from “Blizzard” and a WoW token is put into the AH, this token is purchase in gold at the other end by a player who typically does not want to buy a subscription.

WoW token can be converted to Battlenet balance making the WoW token as good as real money on the Blizzard store.


Don’t worry what you think will be hurt by this is something you already sit on and already had a crack running right through its middle.

If it’s only 4% of your /played why do you want to skip it so bad lmao


WotLK gets FREE lvl 55 boosts.

Because it’s irrelevant to Tbc.

TBC is an expansion to the World of Warcraft, it’s not a standalone title.


Oh please what a silly argument.

Wow isn’t new.

Tbc isn’t new.

It’s all been done before. In literally every newer xpac blizz gives you a free boost to skip the old content to play the new content.

This is exactly what’s happening in TBC.

Don’t take the boost if you don’t want.

Imagine crying because people get to skip old zones and be 2 years behind whatever you accumulated in classic.

  1. One time is still too many times.
  2. That is still free level 58 starting gear instead of working for it.
  3. Mount attached or not, a CORE FUNDAMENTAL OF THE CLASSIC EXPERIENCE is being thrown out the window.
  4. They can try it out at level 1 when they make their blood elves / draenei or start their adventure.
  5. It wont.
  6. Doesn’t matter.

Classic WoW is a VERY different game from retail. Retail boosting is acceptable more so than classic because retail’s game STARTS at end level content. Leveling up and getting gear doesn’t matter because dungeon finder pretty much supplies you with any sort of gearing needs, and your character is SO fine tuned where even if you go in with the bare minimum, you still won’t notice a huge dip in trying to complete dungeons. Where you most CERTAINLY would in Classic.

Classic is about leveling, gearing up, and joining your fellow community members to experience the game and have fun. KEY POINT on COMMUNITY.

Retail is such a solo-player game where you don’t technically need ANYONE to do casual content. Where on classic, you CAN struggle very hard doing basic tasks like leveling.

Adding a boost not only ruins these fundamentals, but it also sets a president for allowing micro transactions to the classic game servers. There was NEVER a boost in Classic TBC. Nor was there in Vanilla, WOTLK, Cataclysm, and I also believe MoP.

The only ACCEPTABLE micro transaction is realm transfer, and even THAT hurt populations of servers.

Leveling and gearing up is a huge staple point of the beginning expansions. Taking this away actively ruins the game. There should be NO boosts for Classic or TBC.

If you want to be level 58 for TBC, you should be on Classic WoW right now trying to level before it launches. Not waiting for a hand out.

Whats the point in playing a game if you can just pay your way to the max?

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Yikes dude. Welcome to the ignore list.

And nothing of value has been lost.

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