I never thought I'd ask this but

I need to suppress all the sound coming out of this idiotic cat mount.

  1. I can’t tell if it’s MY cat in distress.
  2. It kinda messes with my cat - he thinks there’s another cat in the room.

I don’t have the code for suppressing a sound and I don’t know the sound index number.

I have an addon I can drop it in on “PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD” easily enough.

i posted in an older thread that detailed how to mute sounds with an addon.

I’m right there with your cat! I live with 4 cats and those cat mount noises are too darn realistic. It messes with my head.
When I’m near a cat mount and hear those sounds I start looking around to see if my desk is about to get a furry invader (they do that sometimes).

It’d be almost okay if the sound didn’t sound like a cat in distress. What the heck were they THINKING?

very evil

I present to you . . . “Out Damned Cat” . . . an addon to silence the cat mount for all you cat lovers out there.

Available at Tukui.org and through WoWUP.io (sorry - curseforge is just too toxic for me).

Enjoy the silence.