I want ,trust me i do the other one just are too stiff .
Now you know blizz is going to nurf that. It’s far to OP.
I won’t lie, this would be pretty hilarious in my small town world where practically no one, not even the “gamers” know what wow is.
While that IS cool … I wouldn’t buy it. For one reason. Wearing the masks makes it hard for me to breathe. I look forward to being able to burn the masks that I do have. Because that will be due to me being able to go outside and breathe normally without people giving me a dirty glare. And stores will have taken down the “must wear mask!” signs.
Need it please
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If you want to find out more info google WoW face mask reddit. That’s all I can do to help.
I bought one from Etsy that’s Royal blue with the Alliance Lion logo on it.
It was only like $15