I miss the old warcraft lore

Unfortunately, Hero Classes are to blame…

I totally agree! Right now I’m currently going zone to zone and doing dungeons for xmog. Earlier was in Deadmines and forgot how much I missed the Defias! I want that lore and feeling back. Sure, I could do Classic, but I like the idea of continuing where I’m at - just not in Shadowlands where it feels so disconnected.


I think MoP zones are cool and beautiful, but you’re right. MoP came along when most of the playerbase was pretending to like K-pop, etc. and was a cheesy attempt to capitalize on the west’s fascination with Asian culture.

I was farming the Argent Champion title two days ago and cane across the tomb of Uther. I stopped and thought, ‘how engaging, the resting place of an Alliance hero out here in the world for me to encounter while questing. I miss when the writing was good enough that I cared enough to know what’s going on in the game.’


Unpopular opinion but I kinda liked MoP, from the Shas to the Lorewalker stuff, it had some deep lore if one cared to explore it and not just run through a zone or two and leave.

Philosophy however is not everyone’s cup of tea I suppose.


RIP chris metz

Wow went crazy to me when they did alternate timeline thing and space ships… keeping the legion as other worldly demons that could only travel by portal fit the fantasy theme much better imo…

Also cramming proper villains into patches (nzoth and azshara) instead of flushing them out for quick profit ruins the writing quite a bit…. Like nzoth couldn’t predict/prepare for the necklaces kamehameha if he was that conniving/all knowing.

Now I’m ranting… if they didn’t decide to retcon everything since wc2 to inject this jailer narrative (this guy is supposed to be behind everything…… come on really)that ruins character agency and story of many characters in the last 15 years….

Yea I agree with you op… it’s almost like the current writing team is specifically undermining years of lore to put their own stamp on things and are failing, instead of continuing the proven legacy.


Op,I agree the world was adventurous and should’ve always been that way . Maybe the future we can do so and unlock some mysteries hidden on Azeroth herself than this cosmic unraveling ,not saying that it shouldn’t be applied but more in the context of when we do exploring.

For example,find a relic it opens a portal in a area to another existence while we explore this we get ourselves in trouble that causes things here to go wrong.Now we have a problem to fix .

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This is what I mean when I say most people didn’t give MoP a fair shake. N’zoth? Gone in a patch. Y’ogg Saron? a footnote in a side raid/dungeon with no build up. C’thun? Also a one off in a raid.

Y’shaarj however had an entire continent’s worth of build up in the form of the Shas, and MoP had enough sensible plot twists to actually keep the plot interesting; like Taran Zhu mister “You’ve brought your wars and hatred to our lands!” getting possessed by the Sha of vengeance due to his pride and repressed anger.

This is what should be done with WoW villains instead of just offing them in singular patches.



The last great villain was Gul’dan RIP the old times when wow used to have them.

Now we have the mr Clean


Magitech has been a thing in this game since Gnomes. Draenei were just a new race from a planet we already knew existed and the Broken have existed longer than BC. Expanding that was never an issue.

Saying everything that’s happened in this universe was because of some dude we’ve never heard of, while destroying all of the mystery surrounding deities and Titans is entirely different and ruined things.

It’s called bad writing when you feel the obsession to explain every last thing in existence and try to justify it all.


“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown”

― H.P. Lovecraft, [Supernatural Horror in Literature]


Well… it is.

You want to know the best way to avoid having everything told to you?

Shorten the lifespan/word count of the story you are going to tell.

On a long enough timeline, you’ll eventually have a great deal many things told to you because the author always has to up the ante and build off early plot points. Failure to do that just results in the audience ridiculing you as a hack with a proclivity to create plotholes/dropped story threads.

Not true. You can expand the world without telling every secret. You can have good stories without suddenly creating a new godlike antagonist who is the reason for everything in your universe.

As a writer and English major, I disagree entirely.

Proving you don’t know much about writing.

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People were complaining about cosmic scale even before SL. The point isn’t about the poor delivery of mumbling Thanos. So explain why people hated the game then.

I’m just here to say stories seem to fall apart eventually no matter what. Stuff like Game of Thrones and Wheel of Time are exceptions. Helps they have truly dedicated and talented individuals working on them.

FF14 is a prime example of things going downhill. Surely people applaud Endwalker, but there’s a vocal minority who tarnishes the entire story. So many off the wall, bass-ackwords, unreasonable things are discovered when you truly start asking questions.

It’s the same with WoW. Only difference is few of us like it and most of us can’t stand it. I think the reasoning for that is WoW’s been going downhill for a while now. FF14 is just starting.

People will complain about all sorts of things. Though I don’t remember anyone complaining of the cosmic scale of anything in BC or in Legion or in Warlords. People were excited to see those areas again or for the first time. The complaints I remember were specific to characters or certain plot points.

This entire conversation started because you tried to invalidate complaints with an excuse that didn’t work. If you want to be dismissive, be my guest. But my points still stand without your irrelevant comments.

This is my biggest complaint. They are substituting Sci-fi for classical fantasy. I was uncomfortable with the constructs in the BE starting areas, but I eventually just thought “fine, uber magic users, whatever” and the legion constructs, well they need some sort of advantage to be a danger. Okay I’ll take that too.

The draeni were the first case of “ehhhhhhhhhhhh… space… goats… ?”

Then we got WOTLK and all the titan stuff, which was annoying, but still semi within the fantasy genre. I was just unhappy with how it all seemed technological instead of magical. I always considered the Titans to be super advanced with magic and were effectively evolved beyond conventional technology. Finding all the robots and mechanical devices I found to be far less interesting than finding magic that was beyond the understanding of mortals would have been. More Algalon less Mimiron.

Then cataclysm came around and everyone is building airplanes and submarines. This was so so, but it really took away from the uniqueness of gnomes and goblins. Some of the new elementals also seemed more like robots than they did elemental forces.

I think this is where Blizzard started feeling the problem of power creep. They kept having to make bigger badder enemies to challenge these heroes (us) who keep overcoming long odds. I think that was part of what they tried to suggest at the end of cata, that magic was waning, but it wasn’t well explained and never followed up on.

I think this was the big crime of MOP. More titan machines. Bigger war machines by the alliance and horde. They are trying to recreate modern warfare with antiquated technology and really jumped the shark with how far they could take that. Swords and shields don’t belong on a battlefield with modern weapons. Literally taking a knife to a gunfight.

And all Blizzard could do was give everyone robots and whatnot, and now we are in this a game that is more steampunk than fantasy.

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Yeah older WC lore and storytelling was far better. i even like a good portion of WoW’s storytelling but as time went on and especially for certain expansions, it became clear they just started pulling stuff out of their butts.