I miss the faction rivalry

The character driven story is more engaging and has more depth than say those other previous expansions that came before dragonflight. This game needs to tell more grounded stories that are character driven and not action driven and utilize cinematics and cutscenes to have more dialogues and emotional moments and more depths and they need to stop depending on action to get attention.

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The factions war stories was simple to understand. Wod had one of the best setup and cinematic it just got cutted so much.

WoD got screwed over by early feedback causing them to scrap most of their works…

Like who the removed to satisfy puritans ego says “too many orcs” and “orc exhaustion” on an expansion that explicitly focuses on the orcs and their various tribes…

I agree completely, but we saw how they handled things last time they chose to focus on “faction rivalry”.

The franchise is called “Warcraft”, but I don’t trust the devs to deliver on that name story-wise. It’s a weird situation to be in for sure.


They tried and more or less failed. The ship has sailed on that era I think. I’m not even sure they want to ever try it again.

All signs point to a One World Faction.

I mean the thing is they don’t even need to be at constant wars to make it about factions. Trying to make the story about anything else without including them is kinda boring. The 2 biggest forces of Azeroth just watching adventurers fixing everything? There needs to be some underlying politics and underhanded tactics. We’re not suddenly the best friends because there’s no war.


we should of kept havin a reason to hate each other then
lets start havin a bloody football game an have said fans of the game start a war over it because their team lost.

Which ask the question. Why aren’t there any sports much in wow? What sports do Azerothian practice?

The entire storyline starting with Shadowlands is a disjointed raging dumpster fire lol.

There was so much unfinished business we could of gotten back to and unresolved issues that could of made this expansion take off.

Since there is no more Lich King who is keeping the scourge in check! I can go on and on. And much more. But nooo…we want to throw some sleeping lizards into the mix now not to mention domestic issues with some dragons. Really LOL!

The only thing that will save this is an extinction level event and wipe the slate clean! lol

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I mean if they introduced a sports type mode, like multiplayer Blitzball or something, I’d be down

Honestly, after multiple expansions where the Alliance and the horde were at varying levels of open hostility to each other having an expansion where folks are just enjoying the peace is a more welcome faction feature then azerite, corruptions, mission boards, garisons, torghast, artifacts, essences or domination shards ever were.

theres a goblin one thats based off football but with bombs…

How forced does it feel to have to sing Kumbaya with a faction that tried to murder all of the night elves and you guys keep gaslighting us that it was for the greater good… :thinking:

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The biggest tragedy of Blizzard ending the faction conflict is that we get half as much content now, and people are cheering them on it.

We used to get separate quests and stories. In BC, Alliance went towards Honor Hold and did their quests, Horde went to Thrallmar and did separate quests. Then that continued to Falcon Watch and… whatever the Alliance equivalent was. Then again in Zangermarsh and Nagrand.

Wrath the Horde players were doing the Hand of Vengeance stuff, Alliance players did their equivalent.

Now it’s just one-size-fits-all as a cost-cutting measure. And people are applauding Blizzard for their stinginess.

They didn’t fail, the game was at its heydey with the faction conflict (vanilla/bc/wrath). Faction CONFLICT doesn’t mean faction WAR, the entire game’s premise is a “cold war” setting, and Blizzard has gone and thrown that in the trash.


I cringe when the idea of faction conflict comes up now. What faction leader is horde gonna lose this time? What horde city is alliance gonna invade? What atrocity is horde gonna do? Then to know itll end with the alliance choosing to let horde survive. Id rather not continue any faction conflict storylines as blizz has proven the above formula is all they can manage.

Blizzard needs separate story & quest teams for Horde & Alliance.

They already have their Alliance-loving story team (and have, for years). They need a separate team to do the Horde stories.


No. It became super lame because Blizzard wanted both sides to be exactly equal in everything and wanted Horde and Alliance to be so peaceful, yet have them at war all the time. So that makes it forced conflict. Horde is the evil faction. That is why many people play it. if they want to play the faction of the peace lovers then they will play the Alliance.

Blizz needs to stop making super cool Horde leaders that then become raid bosses because Blizard wants to get rid of them for being too brutal. Not too long from now if Bliz keeps releasing expacs, we will have yet another brutal Horde leader, people will love it, but many of us will post here on the forums saying “Dont get too attached, they will be a raid boss before next expac launces or with the prepatch of the next expac” And they do.

They need to let Horde be evil and Alliance be good. It is not two good forces vs all the others, cuz if it was, then there would be only one faction.

Seems like you dont know the lore then.


I, like most people, feel uncompelled to follow it closely.

Then you cannot say that the faction conflict is forced.