I miss how goblins used to look before the model updates

Welcome to the fold Gnomest!

Also I agree with you. I do think they sorta made the female Goblins a bit same face though, but not as bad as the males.


Thank you for the welcome! I think in shadowlands the same face thing may be solved for female goblins.

I think most people would agree though that female goblins look better after the model update. Typically unlike male goblins, people do play female goblins for sexiness factor. Both men and women in fact. Plus compare this:

To this:

No doubt people appreciate the added sexiness factor. This added sexiness factor though doesn’t work so well with male goblins.

I disagree with the overall notion because the Cata goblins were a very large departure from the Classic goblins who were grinning, wide-eyed, used-car-salesmen types, looking to rope you into a “deal”. The Cata goblins ended up turning into teamsters and goons who look like they’re gonna bust your kneecaps for being on their turf.

With the model updates, they feel like they could go either way so people can play it how they see fit.

Here’s an edit for that “grittier” goblin you want.

  1. Lowered eyebrows to cover more of the eye so he’s got a permanent scowl.
  2. Removed eye specular because the natural glint of an eye that isn’t “gritty”, I guess.
  3. Nudged corners of the mouth down to go with the permanent scowl.
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I think that having sort of pale or eyes without irises would go a long way. Although the second one I feel still doesn’t look gritty enough. Like the old ones. I think some of it has to do with the shading.

Notice how here it gets darker at the lower part of the face and also the expression is actually a grin, but it is an uneven one. Giving it more of the unscrupulous car salesman look. The face looks too muscular, too polished and there are so many bright colors now. Even when I went with some of the darkest male goblin skins, it still doesn’t look as gritty as the old ones.

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hmm the old goblin model looks more like an oil painting of a real person with exaggerated features. the new one looks more like a disney character. they sacrificed texture details, for more polish, probably for the animations.

i had this same problem with all the new models. the original models were blurry, not well animated, but they look to have been based on real people. the new models look more like they’re based on a computer generated algorithm, likely so the facial bones could be better animated

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he needs more texture on his skin. its too smooth, i think. textures complicate animations, probably why they simplified it.

imo they lack the right talent for character design. as an oil painter on the side, i know that its easy to make something ugly, but quite difficult to achieve beauty.

the artists in TBC designed beauty , in characters, dungeons, landscape, improved gear design etc…BUT since then, the quality has drastically declined.

it is evident in these “improved” (not) character models. All races imo look 100x worse. WOW can now only achieve “ugly” and “childlike” level, not realism , nor beauty. :cry:

look at this. its an old blood elf model female face, and next to it, its update. the updated one looks great but the old model looks like it was based on a real person, whereas the new one looks like a computer generated algorithm model. like the software has the general idea and then just makes the model itself, rather than the artist designing it from the ground up


thats likely necessary for the more complicated facial animations. if they could capture the original look and make it better, thatd be ideal. if you’ll notice her eyes, for example. the software went for realistic eyes in general, rather than what the original model’s eyes actually look like. they lost their personality, in other words

We will get red eyes for any face at least, but its not enough :confused: the model looks pretty, but maybe thats part of the problem, i realy liked the evil goblin face too.

Everyone should fear a stab in the back for us just by looking our face! But no, not today…


Hyperspace’s image.

I see what you mean. I have a feeling that the old models were more personal in some ways for the company.

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yeah the new model looks great, honestly, but the eye shape is different because the algorithm goes for general eye shape of a belf and applies it across the board. the mouth is near perfect but the nose and eyes are not. the original had a much thinner nose. i guess they assumed that it wasnt realistic enough. but notice also, the nose is turned up at the end, and it isnt in the new model.

Just revert the model revamp.

I hate it.

It’s so much forced same face syndrome.

At least allow us to use the old models instead.

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they tried that and it caused problems. the new skeletal animations warp the old textures in weird ways. they arent one for one. unfortunately. this same argument was raised for classic wow. some wanted the newer models and some, the originals. they asked for a toggle at the very least, but same problem, odd stretching occured with old models because they could only run one set of skeletal animations per model.

Ah. Thats too bad.

i think it wouldve been the equivalent of adding a new race for every race toggle. so human race 1 and human race 2. and double that for gender. and if individual models had unique animations within the same race, multiply it by that also. lol up up up it goes.

so gnome warlock old vs gnome warlock new. 2 different skeletal animations. gnome female warlock new vs. gnome female warlock old. 2 more different skeletal animations. multiplied by all the classes, races and genders in the game. crazy. its why they said one animation set each. and if players complain about the warping, we’ll just remove the toggle.

In that case it makes sense why they did away with it. Maybe instead though that could add some custom options that fix this issue later.

Males did look a lot more rugged in the old days. Kinda miss that.

This is the design direction they should have taken with the male goblin model updates. Fiendish, greedy looking, gritty, monster like. Alas someone decided they needed to look like beefcakes.