I miss dung tabard rep and

its replacement in MoP where you could favourite a faction on an alt.


I totally forgot about the mop system til I got some reps on an alt so the stars showed up next to it.

Rather odd that isn’t there for newer expansions.

I never had a poop tabard.



Not odd at all, just Ion and his beloved time played metric messing up the way the game runs.

Just look at what they did with portals.

Sure, one character might be inconvenienced by 30-60 secs since portals were moved (looking at you MoP portal… completely illogical decision what they did there), thats not much.

But across 20 alts, that 15-30 mins of extra nothing that pads out the time played metric, multiply that by how many hundreds of thousands of people still play… and that is a HUGE jump in time played that Ion gets to show to his overlords all while having added in literally nothing new.

I honestly miss the 100% rep bonus you got at revered in MoP as well as championing for dungeons. It made reputations feel like much less of a grind, even on alts.


I miss both options. Wish they’d do something like either of them. Even if it’s a small amount of rep being able to just grind it out again would immensely help folk to get things done.

Also absolutely would have had no real issue with the essences issues (the rep ones) if my main could buy a token to increase the rep going forward for my account was double… Like in MoP.

You get that awesome contract that gives you a whole 10 rep points for each WQ…

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I would rather type the extra letters than give something the nickname “dung.”

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Good for you. Do you want a medal?

… sure? :thinking:

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So the big question is …why did Blizz discontinue this type of rep?

Because Blizzard thinks we rather grind the rep via world quests .

Time played metric

I would love a “dung” tabard … :wink:

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