I miss deepcoral pods

I miss being able to counter these 5v1 healer groups solo with pods because, again, average horde in wpvp doesn’t know how to coordinate roots and stuns to counter pods. Or, you know, get their own pods.

They allowed the solo player to counter bad players in unbalanced shards. Instead of learning how to coordinate and counter - or getting their own pods - people just complained till blizz nerfed the fun out of them. Feelsbadman

Edit: before someone says “turn WM off”, the point of the post isn’t a WM complaint, it’s a rant that people’s complaints about an item rather than learn to counter or use it themselves took away one of two options for countering rolling deathballs


I liked the challenge it added to WPvP when the enemy had one and I didn’t.

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I found that if the enemy with pods was actually trying to consistently engage you in combat and not just run away, the pods weren’t nearly as powerful as this forum would’ve made you think.

I remember alot of the complaints against pods were from arms warriors - like bro, arms isn’t winning any 1v1’s against a good player even if they had no pods.

A common argument in that regard against them was that it made 1v1’s vs a pod user unwinnable. But in my experience if you were able to beat them handily when they were without pods, you still have a really good chance if they were jumping around. It’s people losing fights to pod users that they would’ve lost regardless of pods that spawned the complaints imo.

As the queen of the pods, I disagree. I’ve won a lot of fights I normally wouldn’t have vs melee due to being able to get far enough away fast.

I do but I don’t.

Whenever I’m in nazjatar it’s almost unbelievable watching melee classes struggle and try to connect with me.

They spend a couple of very long mobility cool downs only for me just to tap the space bar once or twice.

Yea, pods give range an unfair advantage over melee…

I definitely agree that in alot of 1vX situations the game is dumbed down to the point where you’d just lose to being swarmed by a few mongo melee: I’m not disputing that that’s where pods help you turn the tide.

As a fellow hunter though I never lose to melee 1v1 and those are the situations where pods wouldn’t have made a difference, but in the mind of the losing melee it might have been to blame for the loss.

I watch, time and again, as melee melt 6 enemies away at the same time before I can even get a single cast off. Melee have the unfair advantage of high, instant damage compared to ranged who have to ramp up to do any harm.

And you’re seriously complaining about being unfair to melee? Lol

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Yes, range can hop and instant cast or auto attack…melee has to be up close obviously.

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Not denying that, my irritation comes from the fact that I can outplay and beat literal 3000 rated R1 melees of any class 1v1 if I play properly

BUT add an extra player and it’s infinitely more challenging than fighting a R1. Even as a multi 2.4+ hunter (class that used to specialize in kiting melee) I struggle to 1v2 pretty mediocre players when in the past I could easily outplay and 1v2-3 on both my hunter and DK. That’s where pods came in and that is where my frustration at them being nerfed came from.

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