I mean, it is kinda that bad for the Horde

Oooh, I understand now what you mean. Yeah, agreed. I know I didn’t want her killed just because I liked her character so much. And OG Forsaken, all the mix-up that would happen after she was gone.

I said before, I’ve been Horde since the beta/Stress Test right before it came out. But, I would be lying if I didn’t admit that about 90% of my characters are Blood Elf females.

I still remember when Sylvanas had a Night Elf model in Vanilla. I even put up a ticket to message a GM to explain to them that Sylvanas isn’t a Night Elf hahahaha. And they DID have High Elf models at that point, I think. I recall there being one in Ratchet (although I think he was male, so maybe they didn’t have female models then.)

I feel like they could have sold more merch if they did kill her off and have just her memory there than completely ruin her character. Arthas also still sells a lot of merch.


I know Frostmourne replicas still sell well. I’d buy her bow and put it on my wall, 100%.


Yeah, same here. And I do have a mini Frostmourne letter opener.


That is one of those hindsight is 20/20 sort of deals. At the time they did not know what would happen and were busy literally rebuilding the world from the ground up for Cata.

That is awesome in so many ways hahahaa.

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If you do not say “Frostmorne Hungers” each time you open a letter with it, you are in fact doing it wrong.


She was already mega-popular when they did that though. Ruining her could have hurt that more than anything. They should’ve stopped when they stopped having story for her.

I have a mini sylvanas statue. Reminds me of the days when she was an awesome character. Before she was character assassinated in BfA/SL


Blizzard has had a really bad time knowing when to call it quits and move on. Hence we got two murdertastic Warchiefs. Someone always says “But I can do it better, just watch.”


I hope they’ve learned their lesson. There was enough out-cry from BFA that I hope they realize it.


I still maintain that it was Afrasiabi that intentionally destroyed her character because he was acting like a baby over the fact that Danseur had killed off Garrosh, who happened to be his fav character


I think BFA-SL and the player crash it caused humbled them a lot, and also saw them clean house of a lot of the awful people who were incidentally perpetuating much of that thinking. The last bits of that tit for tat dispute went with Danuser and Golden at the end of Dragonflight so… lets see where it goes now I suppose.

Afrasiabi is said to be a rather spiteful alcoholic (on top of being a generally awful person), so… it would not particularly surprise me.


I don’t think they had to kill her off. Rarely do I think killing faction leaders is worth the sacrifice. And certainly not right after Arthas died. Maybe she considered revenge against him her only reason for going on, but that’s actually pretty bleak messaging if they stuck to it. Moving past her abuser and living for the sake of her people was a much better arc.

Until, you know,
gestures wildly at BfA


I don’t think Danuser was even with Blizzard during Cata-MoP, let alone be in a position where he could dictate where the story should go. David Kosak was though and he was the original Sylvanas mega fanboy at Blizzard.


I’ll unsub; I really will. I have a raid group I adore, but I’ll straight up unsub if they do more of this crap faction conflict stuff. It was done okay the first time. It was TRASH the second time, and it drowned one of my favorite characters in the process. (Again, as there is currently a debate to what happened with her character; that’s all up for speculation.)

Obviously none of us know if that’s the truth or not. If it is… I mean, on top of all the other stuff about him; what a child. What an angry, spiteful, shallow little human being.


I’m fine with some conflict. But don’t ever have it be one side committing genocide against the other again. Blizz sometimes doesn’t understand that it’s an RPG game as much as an MMO. And having our characters do hideous things with no choice ruins the fantasy for our characters and our factions.

They should have already learned that lesson from Cata when people wanted a choice of whether or not they saved human experiments or cut off their heads. They took too long to put in the quest to not be loyal to Sylvanas.

Differences, tensions, some conflict is fine as long as they don’t carry it too far. And it shouldn’t be difficult to see where that line is. There is difference between having NPCs do stuff that bad and dragging players into it.

It’s also that they just did this with MoP and despite claiming they weren’t doing that again, they did that again. There was also no payoff. What happened after was not worth it. It actually made it all worse.

They should have realized they were already in unforgivable territory and just made it really Dreadlords or something. Since the purge was changed, this should be too.


The only speculation is really about the motive. It’s absolutely true that faction conflict was the means by which the character was trashed.


I do not ever want to have my character’s agency robbed from me again when it comes to things like that, like genocide. I do not care if I’m playing Horde or Alliance; I don’t want to play that angle ever again.
And as this is a themepark MMO; I hated that I had to be on the rails with that stuff in the first place. I absolutely want nothing to do with anything like that again.


It was Blizzard’s plan for her to replace Syvlanas. After killing off Horde characters, and ignoring Horde development, they were going to go with simply replacing Horde characters with characters from Alliance lore. That Blizzard couldn’t see that not everyone would be thrilled with that is a symptom of their cluelessness.