I made an HMP



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UDDK if you really want to rack up those frequent dier miles.

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Nah, Undead are metal heads or punks. We VE cry every night while listening to Evanescence and writing about our miserable existence in our journals.

Y’all need to start PAFWFD

He has a new kitty that likely stole his heart and maybe his account too, but yeah I was wondering where our ‘caped crusader’ was, huh well damn that’s a pretty good joke for a Pally! :laughing:

SL not far off now, he’ll be back soon I’m sure.

Wild: Pallys are faceroll easy to play and super fun, glad you are enjoying yourself!



Are MHP more common than FBEP?

While true, no one has more experience dying than an undead death knight.

They lived in Lordaeron, then got raised as Scourge. Then they broke away with Sylvanas, fought and died again, raised again as a death knight.

And some of them raided Icecrown during Wrath:

“So the Light’s vaunted vengeance has … oh, hey Fred, didn’t notice you in back there. You with this lot, or are you here to re-up?”

wtf is pafwfd

I told you to play § a (A) female (F) worgen (W) feral (F) druid (D)

And you call yourself a gamer…

Ummm btw I don’t know how I even did this but I meant to say “to”. :woozy_face:

Edited for typos.

Good question, I don’t think so honestly not anymore anyway. Would be nice to know some numbers though, just out of curiosity.

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Why would I play an inferior mdps? I’m going HZTDWFDKBOSB for Shadowlands.

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I don’t know if I’m going to go all the way to level cap with my cute HMP, he might just stick around to flirt. But I will definitely be leveling this MNEMMHWCF* for SL.

*Male Night Elf Marksmanship Hunter With a Cute Face

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Male humans in this game handsome? :rofl:

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IDW2 so there :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yes, and he will be even more handsome once he can get those nice hairstyles!

I guess Orc Mag’har…

Zandalari Pallys look cool which is why I have one but they look better along with the Alliance. :man_shrugging:

If I was a moderator… You would speak no more. I’m sorry. No respect for a MHP. ):