I love this game

I’ve been playing this game since launch on and off, always come back to it and I enjoy it therefore I’m not quitting. Blizzard should just learn from this experience and bounce back a stronger better company. Get rid of the old devs and bring in new blood. Female employees should not be evaluated based on their sex, but what they bring to the table, their skills and experience. Discrimination should never be tolerated at a work place!!


I agree, I love this game too! I agree about the other stuff too.

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I agree, I love this game too! I even loved Vanilla TBC …this Classic TBC however I’m not much of a fan of and don’t really care to support it since they are implementing so many changes, some i agreed with such as giving both Paladin’s SOB/SOTM, others such as HvH Battlegrounds i feel are game breaking…I would trade my SOB as a retadin if it meant keeping things such as HvH BG’s and Paid Boosts OUT of the Classic Games.

My 2cents…


yes agreed