I love so-called “FOMO” content

I have a confession.

I do M+ purely for the mounts / transmog then I don’t bother… maybe portals.

Other than that? I don’t touch it.

And you shouldn’t be shamed for doing so. Especially if you enjoy the pursuit! I have a ton of guildies who do the bare minimum for their mount and call it a season. But it gives us that reason to get together and help each other out.

Photoshopping armor won’t change what you have in the game, true. Giving yourself a deadline for completing a challenge, however, functionally changes what the game offers exactly as if Blizzard had done so. As long as you play by the rules and honor that deadline it’s the same thing. :slight_smile:

“Aw, shucks, I ran out of time to complete it. I can’t have that item now.”

GG ez.

Hit and miss.

Like i like doing m+ with guildies and or chill pugs but idk… sometimes I just want a skip with a way to earn the thing at a later time.

Wish we could freeze season mounts like we do stuff on the trading post.

Thanks for confirming what i already thought :clap:

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Is getting a full set of gemmed Titanforged Mythic armour from Siege of Orgrimmar the same experience now as it would have been when it was current?

Nope. That’s why you need to honor your deadlines if you set them. You don’t want to cheapen the experience now.

I wouldn’t be entirely opposed to this, as long as it is earned the same way.

Ya like a m+ mount for season 2 for example I freeze that and when I do season 3 I can get it in some way through m+. Not sure how but maybe tokens or something?

I just shut down. It’s one of the reasons I am written off. I can’t do any job that has a deadline or any form of pressure.

I’m working on a plushie that was commissioned march last year… I feel so bad, but I did tell her I can’t give an estimate and suches. Getting closer and closer to finishing now though!

I want the game to recognize them. :slight_smile: That’s the whole point of the thread. Just as I like bosses to drop items to recognize that I defeated them.

In other words, for you to enjoy a deadline, other players must be forced to conform to the limitations of that deadline.

As others have said, this is a you problem, not a game problem.


Just as I would expect people to kill a Mythic boss to obtain Mythic loot, yes.

That challenge is mechanical difficulty.

I enjoy temporal difficulty.

You don’t, otherwise you would set those limitations yourself. What you enjoy is the schadenfreude you garner from other players when limited time events drop.


That’s only because you can’t see the bigger picture beyond your own interests or desires.

Edit - to the topic I despise FOMO and think every single mog/mount/pet/whatever should be put back in the game. You can’t convince me otherwise.


As I said in the OP:

I don’t enjoy when people get bent out of shape about it. I literally don’t understand it, unless Blizzard goes and locks them out of something very unique, like a lot of the Mage Tower appearances. And in those cases, I always promote making those rewards available again in some form (generally another tint on the model).

Some fomo is fine. Insane amounts of fomo is not.

I personally think the Plunderstorm fomo is fine, especially given Blizzards track record of making tints available via other sources possible anyway and i highly doubt Plunderstorm will never be run again.

It stops being fine when there are things connected to content everyone would enjoy but are removed forever, and you’re left telling new folks “should have been there 10 years ago”. Especially when the game today lacks meaningful evergreen content.

Nailed it.


It’s about as transparent as it could possibly be.

Blizzard deadlines = good because all players must conform.

Personal deadlines = hollow because other players don’t have to conform.


Yea having any sense of self control is a bad thing I guess

I don’t like wows pvp so I don’t do it, I don’t made numerous threads saying they need to remove pvp cuz fomo

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