I just watched the entire Mulan Trailer

Her skin doesn’t matter, it’s her hair color.

Long as she has Red hair she’s Ariel. She could have green skin and it will be fine.

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Ariel is Danish, if they are trying to stay true to the mermaid…that does matter XD

Disney however wants to change it so…it will be changed /shrug.

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Ariel is a half-human monstrosity.

I mean, I get where you are coming from and I don’t have any desire to make this a Mermaid debate but…

I wasn’t aware Danish people had mostly fish DNA :laughing:

Bahahaha, I was basing it off of where the movie takes place. There are darker skin toned mermaids in the cartoon (if I remember right). I was just bummed that they changed her, red hair or not :frowning:

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dramatic gasp


This is a remake I’ll probably watch.

Even if there is no shirtless Li Shang in this one.

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How about that minute+ wait in tempest keep. Yeah… lets stand around bored… oh he is talking again, no no. I will wait…

‘What do we want? A girl worth fighting for!’

Ariel isn’t Danish. Eric is. Ariel is Greek descended.

Oooh! All right, that’s it! Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Make a note of this: dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow…


Either way, you know what I’m talking about :wink:

Those are the people with low TMI :smiley:

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China was already pissed at them using buildings from the wrong time (Equivalent to skyscrappers in the medieval era they said) so I think Disney trying really hard to kiss up is going to backfire either way.

They don’t actually put any care or time into their remakes, but it doesn’t matter cause people keep going. They needed to be really historically on the nose and they already blew it.

I agree. It will be very interesting to watch a different version that is closer to the real history :slight_smile: Also I really like the actress :heart_eyes:

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It is hard. On the one hand, if they go too much for historical accuracy it might get boring and just become like a documentary. They need to balance history and fantasy well so that it can be relaxing and fun to watch at the same time.

Meh, Cpt. Li Shang can get down to business and make a man out of me, doesn’t matter which version.

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I was really surprised the Aladdin remake was a decent success. It felt more like bollywood than the arabian nights aura past Aladdins have. The trailer of Aladdin already bored me and my friends.

It had the opportunity to go Bollywood (Prince Ali song) and it failed hard, really hard. Decided to go full on badass Bolly at the very end. They could of went full on and had a huge success, but nope. Had to play safe and nostalgia with easy cash grab twists.

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This is true. It is a practical move as well. Basically repackage a successful product for the new generation that have never seen or tried it before. For us who have seen the past movies though, we wish new things would come out instead of just remakes haha. But for the newer generation these are practically new to their eyes so they are lucky :slight_smile: