I have changed my mind....DPS as a Healer

They do :


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The tank is healing himself through talents, not actively healing

Are you all honestly this brain-dead

I don’t know if it’s been mentioned, but using help/harm macros outside of healing addons really trivializes healer dps and frees up all your buttons for other things.

Death Strike isn’t an active heal ?

They are self healing as part of their rotation. I honestly can’t believe you are possibly all so stupid so this must be a troll

So when a healer uses a rotational heal to heal himself, he’s not healing is what you’re saying.

No, you are asking them to DPS another target you dummy

You’d have them DPS themselves ?

Might be counter productive.

You are as dumb as this conversation

Are you 8 years old

You sound like you are emotionally stunted honestly

There are no valid arguments in this very stupid conversation.

This is the author of this post months ago talking about dpsing as a healer and how his healing sucks: When a healer thinks they're dps - #17 by Amapriest-wyrmrest-accord

It’s always the same guys complaining about the same things and pretending they just discovered something.

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It comes down to personal preference. My main is a MW Monk, and I just love the playstyle of it. Out of all the healers I’ve played, this one feels good to dps with during downtimes when no incoming damage. I use a two side button mouse, but I hotkey like a monster. 1-5 is used, along with shift, and ctrl for abilities. QE are also used, as I hate keyboard turning, and R for a little bit extra.

Once everything is setup properly, then I’m all good to go. I never reeally had an issue with GCDs, as thats a staple for mmos such as WoW. In the end, you get used to it once you try dpsing while healing with a bit of practice.

Couldn’t imagine playing without my 15 button mouse

Haha you had to use an add on to heal. You know they have an interfave that allows for mouse over targeting? Just get a corsair scimitar and you have 48 programmable buttons and can do it all from your mouse

At first blush, that sounds like resto druid xD

Can’t speak for anyone else here but I have not yet found a mouse that feels right and doesn’t set off my arthritis when trying to hit those small buttons.

This guy healed a Shadowlands heroic, died twice, and decided to let us know his thoughts about this 2 year old out-of-date content.


Honestly I ditched mmo mice a long time ago and just use 12345qertsfgzxcv and then shift + all of those and Ctrl + some of those. Fingers never need to leave the small bubble around wasd and my mouse has just a m4 and m5 I use for auto run and nothing

In my opinion, if it’s not possible to do with a base blizzard ui with no addons as well as a regular keyboard and 2 button mouse, it shouldn’t be expected by anyone. This guy was just running a heroic dungeon. We aren’t talking About the top 1% of players running 20+ mythic keys here.