I have 40,000g with nothing to spend it on and 5 level 60 alts in leveling blues

Pots and consumes are cheaper??? When they made it easier to make them??? NO WAY! REALLY?!? People can get like 7 pots from a single craft now… Of course they are cheaper.

It is when you were crying in your statement.

I was on ERA before sod and the economy was fine. Consumes were cheap and easy to afford. I have not played era since sod launched. But I am sure most people that want to GDKP end up on era cause they don’t have many other options.

People don’t buy consumes and BoE gear to do end game content unless it’s gdkp? Raiding in general is gonna have an impact since it is the main reason people purchase many items on the ah.

Yeah say some boaring nonsense about seeking education when the fact is. Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, were all FINE. They all had GDKPs available and there were still plenty of SR and MS/OS runs. Consumes were affordable and it was pretty easy to make gold. Your statements are just wrong.

This is the most BS, completely false, cooked answer I have ever seen. The economy on Whitemane is completely f’ed because of GDKPs. If you think paying 1k for flasks is “cheap” then either you are buying gold, an idiot, or both.


He is a gdkper. So of course the economy was fine for someone making 1000s of gold a week gdkping.

Again he can’t see outside of his own circumstances, because he has 0 critical thinking going on.

Flask were not 1k last time I played. I guess you couldn’t read the part about me not playing era since sod. Era has also been around a long time and since people cannot gdkp anywhere else they are all congregating on a single server of course things are going to be inflated.

Really am I? I guess me only playing sod for the last year that doesn’t even have GDKPs on it make me a gdkper.

Again I listed numerous examples of servers existing in a functional state with gdkp being a thing. But keep talking about critical thinking pretending it makes you seem smarter than you are.

The economy was destroyed well before SoD. Saying it was fine and consumables were cheap is complete BS. I moved multiple toons during the first HC season to the server to compare prices and every single item was at least 10x the normal cost if not more. Consumes were insane.

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Nah it’s not. Comparing prices from a newer HC server with a smaller pop to a server that has characters on it from as far back as 2019 is dumb as well. As a server ages and less people are farming people have more money so supply is lower and demand is higher, prices will naturally go up. I was playing era pretty regularly before sod launched and a stack of mongoose elixirs was like 10-15g which is roughly what it was on the original classic servers. Same for lips, laps, faps all the standard stuff.

Maybe the economy is bad now but what do you expect when the player base is split between 5 different classic servers and retail as well. My characters on era are my original classic characters that I made in 2019. I already had like 15kg when era started bumping again. People legit have generational wealth on there. The majority of people playing era are probably mostly gdkpers as well since all the non gdkpers are playing fresh/hc or sod, or cata.

The dude with 15k gold on era didn’t find consumes expensive.

Like 0 critical thinking.

The more you say it… doesn’t make it mean anything…

The consumes were the same price as they were in classic pre era… What is so hard to understand about that? If a billionaire buys a burger for 7 dollars does it change the value of that burger from 7 dollars?

But please keep saying critical thinking like the pseudo int BUM that you are.

Billionaire wouldn’t think anything of $7 compared to the person that had $7 total.

Your average classic player wouldn’t have over a few hundred gold.

You are here saying consumes weren’t expensive with 15k gold.

You see how you are not looking at this from your average players point of view yet? As in 0 critical thinking?

What the billionaire thinks is irrelevant to how much the burger costs for everyone.

yet the consumes were still the same price…

Yet when I had no cold they were the same price. Consumes in 2019 was still like 50g for most pots you would need and 100g + for flasks. Consumes in 2021 were pretty much the same price. And in 2023 when era starting to gain alot of traction again… Guess what? Same price…

I am, I didn’t start the game out with 15k gold. I had 15k gold at the end of of the 2 years that I played classic wow…

You see how your critical thinking only accounts for your point of view which is just bias against gdkp and you have no actual real evidence to prove otherwise? Servers did just fine when gdkps were around. And on Sod with no gdkps the economy is still garbage…

What are you even talking about? Just lying over the internet to randoms to feel better? We all played classic. We all know what happened.

You are saying consumes stayed the same price from start to finish? Or you just somehow made 15k gold overnight? Mongoose went from 50s to 10g by naxx.

But to the billionaire, or the guy with 15k gold. A $7 burger or a 6g mongoose pot is nothing. You starting to figure this out yet?

The average wow player cannot make this gold with the time they have.

Unless you gdkp, thus the cycle continues. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Blizzard used these exact words. I am not some guy just blurting out ideas, the company that owns this game has said exactly this.

We all know consumes weren’t pretty much the same price after 2 years.

I could say pretty much all GDKPers buy gold. Your arguments hold no substance. Just incoherent babble of a man with 0 critical thinking.

Servers did fine because 95% of raids on era, tbc and wotlk became gdkps. People buying and selling unobtainable amounts of gold in a single run. Servers did fine because people joined gdkps to keep up.

I gdkpd on multiple toons all the way through tbc / wotlk. Made a lot of gold. You see the difference between you and me is I can critically think. I can see they are bad for servers. They only benefit people looking to not actually play the game or people selling gold. Both of which are not good for a server.

I’ll never get what it is with these pro GDKPers thinking if they lie enough people will believe them?

This happens in every one of these threads. They say “consumes didn’t increase in price!”

“I’ve never been in a gdkp with someone that bought gold”

“No GDKPs openly discuss over discord buying and selling gold to bid on items”

It’s like they think none of us actually gdkpd. I’d say good chance english isn’t this guy’s first language.

And you are not?

Yeah they pretty much did. I don’t ever remember mongoose being 50s each. Maybe in the first month of the game when it had the most players and the most people farming/crafting. But by MC a stack of 5 was like 10-15g fire prots goin for like 2-3g each. And it was pretty much the same through the rest of classic.

It doesn’t matter what the billioanire thinks… how can you boast about critical thinking and make this about someone’s feelings? The cost of consumes stayed mostly the same. So some one that had abundant gold was still paying the same price as someone with 100g.

Then how did they afford consumes all through classic? GDKPs didn’t even start becoming big until like halfway thru BWL.

Yeah they were. Certain consumes dropped in price and others gained in price depending on demand, pretty much how it works everywhere, regardless of gdkp.

I can say the same thing about you. All you do is say nah the economy was ruined by gdkp and gdkp alone. You have nothing to back it up.

No they didn’t I legit raided in normal guilds for both of those expansions. We did loot council and dkp. And I had alts that I would go to gdkps on. There were constantly non gdkp raids happening. And the cost of consumes was consistent throughout all of those servers life spans.

Sure ya did bud.

Nah ya can’t. Just because you can use a phrase over and over again doesn’t mean you possesses the ability to practice what you preach.

Yet most gdkps would have some of the most tryhard min max players in them trying to parse. I never had to buy gold cause I made gold from gdkp. Most of the people I did gdkps with had multiple alts and did many raids every week. But nah they just didn’t play the game. They all must of been gold sellers as well, even though they used that gold to gear up all of their alts…

YOu’re entire argument is that they are bad for servers yet the economy on servers with no gdkp is still terrible people are still swiping to be able to afford all their crafted gear and mats for tier. Bots are still everywhere. And the overall quality of player has diminished.

I will never get what it is with these anti gdkp BUMS that think if they lie and CRY enough people who aren’t BUMs will believe them.

they didn’t

No one has ever said this.

No one has ever said this.

You clearly never did if you think that all raids converted to gdkp in vanilla and there was NO other option and your BUM friend NEVER could have raided if gdkps were not banned. All you have done is cry and point out how much of a BUM you are.

You really are a 3rd worlder. Just blurting out garbage to strangers over the internet thinking they will believe you.

You lack the intelligence to understand all the facts I’ve presented have been proven by blizzard themselves and thus they banned it. I don’t have to prove anything.

They aren’t playing the game. They aren’t going into the world and doing anything. They are doing nothing but raid logging, while making unobtainable amounts of gold compared to someone farming all week. The gold was also massively bought and sold on said gdkp discords. Are you starting to see why blizzard banned them?

We all experienced classic and through to tbc / wotlk. Blizzard also saw this and took in peoples thoughts / feelings towards gdkp (critical thinking).

Multiple elron threads have had those exact phrases in them multiple times. Again, critical thinking. Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Keep lying and stay poor loser

The fact that you use 3rd worlder as an insult just proves how inferior Australia is to every other country on the planet.

You have presented 0 facts. Your logic is “well blizzard banned it so I’m right” Even though you and every other BUM will sit here and cry about all the terrible decisions blizzard makes.

This is not true. But maybe I am wrong and you personally know every single person that ever did gdkp’s and tracked their play time and activity within the game… Really people boosting in dungeons can’t make the same amount of gold as someone doing a gbid? Where did the gold come from in the first place?

Gold is still massively bought and sold outside of gbid discords… Blizzard banned them to placate the WHINER BABIES that don’t like the elitist attitude of some gbid runs. You literally proved this in your first statement about how your BUM friend would of been DENIED ANY AND ALL opportunities to raid if gdkp’s existed.

You would not even be able to define the term critical thinking without google to hold your hand. But this is the standard MO of pseudo int BUMs, especially those that lose to emus.

Keep being wrong, and continue to be a BUM.

I think they should make the 0.5 teir quest items BoA once you do the quest on one toon so you can buy decent gear on alts without having to do that stupid quest again, each item is about 40g anyways and they are decent

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Definitely someone that has never left their own country. Sorry you are poor.

No, your low IQ has failed to take in any facts. Not my problem your simple brain cannot understand basic economics.

So remember when blizzard said gdkps attract botting and rmt? Bots gather raw gold, sell it to gdkp buyers. Like it’s basic stuff your low IQ brain just can’t take in for some reason.

Yep because gold is still being bought gdkps should be brought back.

Drugs are still being sold so let’s just allow money laundering.

Average 3rd worlders philosophy.

Yeah it must be because blizzard wanted to placate the whiner babies because they don’t like the elitist attitude of some gdkp runs. That must be it. Your super high IQ brain has come up with this. Like listen to yourself. This ain’t it bro.

My mate with 200g to his name would of definitely not gotten into a gdkp unless he bought gold. Notice how you are the only one not able to see that gdkps take over servers? As in 0 critical thinking.

Yep 100% spot on by the only guy defending gdkps. Everyone else but him has 0 critical thinking.

You can’t write this stuff. I’m sorry you are poor it’s not my fault.

Bad analogy.
In this one and real life, the billionaire wouldnt be buying anything for 7 dollars, they would be buying franchises, if not the whole company, and physically changing the prices as they see fit. Otherwise, they have personal chefs for their burgers…or literally everything else they want.

Thats literally how it works in gas. Whoever is selling it for the highest price is what dictates nearly every other gas station’s price. That’s why they are all the same or within a few cents of each other.

Here, the people with 10, 15, 30k gold aren’t just buying the consumes they need. They are buying all of them and flipping the market. Other people who aren’t as aware as they are, are seeing the costs of everything going up and literally thinking “well if theyre selling at that price I should be able to sell mine there too!” and thus: inflation.

Ok great so you think everyone from a country with a lower economic standing than your own is inferior to you. Good to know not only you’re a BUM but also a racist.

Now we are gonna bring in IQ, another standard operating procedure for the pseudo int BUMs of the internet. You have presented 0 facts. In fact from an outside perspective our entire argument is nothing but anecdote and your word against mine.

Yeah and removing gdkps did nothing to stop that from happening so they were wrong.

Exactly. now you are starting to get it.

Yeah keep talking about my IQ to hide how inferior yours is.

Yeah that is not what you said. don’t worry I can quote it for you again BUM.

ANY OPPORTUNITY. Like FALSE. The only server that is mostly gdkp raids is era because that is where all the gdkp’s have been sequestered to… BUT you must just be too smart to realize that.

gdkp was not the ONLY option for all of original classic nor was it the only option for all of TBC and WOTLK.

Yeah I am the only guy in favor of gdkps. Based off the sod forum that has like 100 active posters on it. Great logic.

The irony of calling other people poor when you are too much of a broke BUM to go to a gdkp. lmao.

I guess you personally know every billionaire. Good for you. The idea that a rich person can’t just buy a burger because they want one is amusing though.

This is literally not true at all lmao. Go to a gas station off a freeway off ramp in LA and pay a dollar more per gallon than you do a block down the street. The gas prices are based off oil prices. Supply and demand…

Another factor is competition. It is kinda hard to sell your gas for a dollar above the average price when there are 2 other gas stations right across the street from you…

Maybe some do that. But that would require them to sit at the ah all day and constantly repost their auctions. To say that all of them do is a stretch. According to BOARsod up there gdkpes don’t play the game at all and only raid log. Also if they are swiping why do they care about flipping auctions?

Only 40k? Baja had that in like P2.