I have 20k Titan Residue

Just hit 20k. Took me FOREVER to save up this much.

Which gear should I get on my Havoc DH for maximum DPS and which azerite traits do I pick on it?

Just google any Havoc DH dps guide…like any guide ever

you want furious gaze and the trait that lowers the cd of eyebeam, ideally in your shoulder slot. But yeah prob still look up a guide.

Only Azerite piece that’s worth something coming from M+ is Hood of the Slithering Loa and only for more ST focused fights. Every other Azerite piece you can get from the Raid is better at max level.

But if you are playing more casually, then look for x3 Furious Gaze, x1 Chaotic Transformation, x1 Eyes of Rage at the minimum. You can switch Revolving Blades for Swirling Sands (as in the case of Hood of the Slithering Loa) depending on what content and encounter type you are doing.

All of the Heart of Darkness traits are about to become garbage.

Furious Gaze will still be strong, and Eyes of Rage. The rest is pretty negligible.

I wouldn’t sweat the prepatch too hard. Way more gains to be made in relearning the spec.

In SL none of the traits will be active. Every 480 item will have the same stats. So you are probably only going to get a few weeks’ use out of the item.

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Get a backpack and wait for the long goodnight that will be SL.

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Titan residue will be converted to gold on pre patch, so make sure you use it if you didn’t want that 20k gold.

It’s technically converted to silver at a 1:1 rate, so won’t be 20k gold.

Yea. Blizz has never converted anything into something useful or of worth once they’ve phased out it’s usage.