I hate the NE bias in things

Yeah, but didn’t all the ARs just get heritage armor for levelling up? Compared to the other core races Tauren got the shaft there. I mean, I get that at least Tauren got one, but compared to the Blood Elf one which is the only other one I’ve done, it is nowhere near the same type of quest exploring the history of a core race.

I always read it as the AR-equivalent to the Heritage Armor sets were the AR Unlock quests.

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The new Elune stuff is so Nelf centric that is undoes all the fantasy she had in nelf culture and in turn now diminishes said culture by trying to change the image of the god that defined the core culture. Just like how Ardenweald is so nelf centric that they retconned and devalued Wisps and previous night elf death lore, their own bond to the land, so they could be fodder or useless ghosts in Ardenweald providing nothing to their homeland.


That feels a little overboard. Wisps are still a thing, they have always existed in sort of a grey area of not being quite ghosts, but not living things either. The present lore just ties them much more strongly to Elune’s blessing, which binds their discarnate souls to Life as a Wisp.

Elune has always been a mystery box, and pulling back the curtain and diminishing mystery is always a really risky move story wise—People fill in the gaps with their own headcannon and hate it when their pet theories which existed in a grey zone of plausibility get invalidated.

She is still somewhat ill defined, though. We know she is tied to Life, but she also has other aspects to her which are not well explained right now like her ties to the Titans and the force of Order.

She has an avatar for each phase of the moon, of which it seems Full Moon is Life, and New Moon is Death… but how those aspects interlock is hard to say. Will they go with a Maiden-Mother-Crone distinct-but-all-one trinity, for example?


It’s not that the gaps were filled in with random nonsense.

She has never been directly tied to life before. She has shown powers over souls (something like Death powers) in Stormrage. She has been shown using her light in a manner similar to holy light. She has been shown using shadows. Her power is often classified as arcane, though I don’t think that’s really canon, just mechanical.

Meanwhile, Cenarius’ innate connection to nature magic is never attributed to Elune, but to Malorne.


to be fair thats still all ne focused lore development even tho its sad stuff. but hamlet and macbeth are tragedies too, and guess which character is played by the greatest actors? the one who goes through hell.

Well … At least Hamlet achieved his goal and killed Claudius. Mda.
Anyway. What is the point in purposeful development if people did not come for this? Although … are you refuting the Horde’s claims of being a “mindless, limp, killing society with nothing to do with cosmic forces” (or something like that) since this is a consistent narrative over two faction wars?

hamlet has a ending you can read, the current wow story hasnt come to an end yet. as for the rest of your post i do not understand what youre saying or asking.

The humans did not choose the night elves to witness tragedy.
Do you deny the opinion of the Horde players? Horde Player Opinion: “The current history is bad for the Horde because the Horde has once again become a weak-willed slayer collective.”

Is it clearer?

sorry, i cant understand well enough to respond adequately.

People admire tragedies if they know it is a tragedy.

Horde player complaint: “The Horde population is portrayed as bloodthirsty and stupid, the Horde is portrayed as insignificant on a cosmic scale.”

Do you understand?

This is a prime reason that I always qualify trying to use these out of game books for canon. Blizzard will have these books published in one year and then throw them under the buss two years later.

I think that Destron’s travelogue, a purely fan creation by a WOW player is more congruent than these commercial works. I originally collected them in PDF Form.
