I hate the NE bias in things

No, the right thing to do is to give it back and leave.


And leave the Horde weak? No chance. We stay. If night elves want something they need to earn it. We give no handouts.

You want the Horde to be evil.

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I want the Horde to destroy the Alliance. They are our enemy and I spit on the armistice. There will be no peace until the Horde is allowed to rule all of Azeroth.

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No it doesn’t. They were gifted Azshara for their ressources.

You’re not funny Erevien.

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Yes we do. Sylvanas had the right idea with conquering Night elf lands. The cowards Baine and Thrall however gave it up. With such crappy leadership we will never win any wars. They need to go away. Period. Afterwards we can wage war on the alliance again and finish them for good.

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Totally agreed!! Baine should not have told Jaina proodmoore about the plan with Derek Proodmoore. Whether you like Sylvanas or not, its treason against the Horde. Plus it affects more than Sylvanas, how do you think Telanji feels that Baine wants peace with the people who killed Rastakhan?

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Dude, what in the world. The Night elf wood is essential to our war against the Alliance. Plus the Night elves are on the Alliance and conspiring with the evil Humans. No, we won’t leave and give it back. Pillage Ashenvale until the night elves surrender.

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I don’t think you want Blizzard paying attention to your favorite race or character since it has been shown time and time again they will just **** it up. Just enjoy being out of the spotlight

All night elf leaders are alive and kicking it. Most Horde leaders are dead and lost for the story. Night elves have it better in that sense.

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Tyrande and Malfurion are consistently written like idiots who can’t let go of the idiot ball so this is again not a good thing. It’s a problem with most of the Alliance leaders, and guess WoW characters in general, but Tyrande and Malfurion have always gotten hit with it the hardest.

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The night elves have:
Mordent Evenshade.
What do Orcs have? Thrall? The old Orc chieftains are dead?
What do Tauren have? Baine? The shame for all cow people who exiled his own people.
Trolls? Lost Vol’jin and got replace with the peace monger Rokhan.

The Horde races got shafted with crappy leadership. Night elf leaders fight for their people.

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Speaking as someone who likes the Tauren they still manage to screw them up when they ignore them as usual

lol baine.

Not just that. Tauren involvement in the story is mainly Baine who never shows up for the Tauren, but just to take part in an alliance story basically. But outside of that, Legion we learn that the planet is a giant female titan, and there is absolutely no Tauren reation to that at all. I mean, I think that should have been a big old earthmother confirmed, but even if not there should have been a reaction, and all that story got stolen by a damned quartz dwarf that we lost Cairne for so Alliance didn’t feel sad that one of their leaders was on ice for a few expansions.

The main use of Tauren characters in the story is as victims to show how bad someone is. Like the Highmountain couple with the shop those goblins killed, or the chief in cata who went up against the general Garrosh yeeted off a cliff.


And almost forgot, while the heritage armor is decent, the quest line was not a heritage quest line. Our one time supposedly to shine was instead eaten up by some forshadowing of the next expansion with some tauren inspirational quotes thrown in.

I mean, being horde is kind of it. Blizzard somehow give us more attention just so they can destroy us more and more.

The only race in the game that not only have a lot of attention but also good attention is human…

this is what i was thinking of when i said having the writer’s attention isn’t a good thing.

It can still be worse. You can have no attention and still getting destroyed. Those poor worgen.

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Better than the ones for the LightForged Draenei and Nightbourne. which amounted to “Oh, you showed up! here’s your new transmog set!”

The Blood Elf one was fairly epic though.