I hate the NE bias in things

Genn kicked the butt of Sylvanas in Legion. That is something I suppose.

One cinematic. After YEARS of being ignored doesn’t count as quality content even if I enjoyed the hell out of the Stormheim cinematic

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Erevien going full troll mode again I see…

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Nelf fans pre-BFA

Who would have thought that getting content was worse than not getting.

It was so simple too.

Just give us a cinematic where we free and revive all the Night Elf souls.

The writers instead: Let the Night Elf souls be obliterated, give us a cinematic where Tyrande loses against Sylvanas because Elune values Sylvanas more than her children and then make Elune force Tyrande to forgive Sylvanas and the Horde.
The end. That’s the Night Elf Shadowlands content and resolution for Teldrassil


Blizz’s BFA-SL story checklist

Brutalize the pretty elf damsels to make every sad - Check

Let Nelf fans pretend like they have power with Night warrior stuff, the narrative equivlent to buying your wife flowers after you break her nose. - Check

Make sure Nelf fans have the illusion of power, but nothing real - Check

Have their Goddess be partly responsible for sending Nelf Souls to a realm of eternal suffering - Check

Gaslight Nelves into believing they are wrong for wanting justice against those who brutalize them - Check

I bet they drafted this up in the Cosby suite.


Blizzard is an Evil Genie when it comes to wish granting. So, perhaps people should really consider if they want their zone updated after all. It might end up a smoking crater.

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Guess I have to repeat it again. One cinematic doesnt equal quality content.

Still more than Nelf fans got at the time.

Every victory was off screen, every defeat was on screen.

Then we finally started getting content in BfA… Maybe be careful what you wish for.

This ^^^


What did Orcs get? Getting turned into demon worshipping nutjobs even without the blood curse. What did Trolls get? Being loot fodder for dungeons and raids while their leaders get killed off even if you are playable. Vol’jin and Rastakhan didn’t have to die to make the story work, but they killed them anyways. What die the Forsaken get? Being made into refugees without a true leader who got bullied out of Lordaeron by the Alliance. The Horde races know suffering too. You are just so blinded by the nightelf rage that you can’t see anything else.

Hol up, I thought you wanted that

The problem isn’t that they drank the demon blood. The problem is that even without it they were turned into servants of the Legion. I have no problem with a Horde that does anything in their power to defeat their enemies. I do however have issues if they turn the Orcs into slaves without free will who then do the biddings of demons. The Horde should be a miliatry power house. But right now they are just a collection of survivors who hold no stake in the lore because the protagonist role is exclusivley hold by the Alliance.

While I’ve had differences of opinion with Akiyass on Night Elf matriarchy she’s not that far off the mark when it comes to how Tryande’s been portrayed in the franchise especially in comparison to her role in the RTS. Night Elf women have been dressed in a fetish style since pretty much the RTS and their original appearance in the first WOW cinematic.

The Tauren for their importance in the foundation of Thrall’s Horde have been pretty much treated like a fifth wheel in the Horde. Their leaders, Cairne, Hannull, and Baine keep getting fridged, and the only strong one plays a villain role. There’s a bit of a subplot between the Tauren and Night Elf factions in the Cenarian Circle that goes no where outside of forerunning Tauren Paladins.

Speaking of the latter those are the big disappointment. I ddidn’t expect that much variance with the Blood Elves but I was really hoping for uniqueness in expression but instead the Taurens as Paladins are nothing more than knights with hooves.


And I hope it stays that way. Thanks to Baine Tauren have always been a nuisance in the Horde. They are annoying and all they ever do is standing in the way of the united war efforts against the Alliance. After Cairne died the Tauren became pretty muche useless.

Magatha has an actual vision for the future for the Tauren people. All Baine ever cared about was sending letters to Anduin.

I don’t think there is really any bias in favor of the night elves except when it comes to the writers using them as a punching bag


There is. Night elves so far have been relevant in EVERY expansion. Meanwhile Blizzard keeps ignoring Trolls and Tauren. And when they do get focus they kill their leaders. Night elf bias is real. Players need to check their privilige.

The Night elves suck, they are alliance. I don’t like the alliance, Tauren are better. Yes, the night elves think they are better than the Tauren. Yes, the night elves think their more naturistic than the Tauren. Yes, neither of those are true at all.

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I feel bad for the Night Elves. They don’t have Ashenvale back. They’re giving away their lives to fight the Horde. Why don’t the Horde just give their posts in Ashenvale back to the Kaldorei?


Seems like the Horde knows that there’s no reason to, especially since they want the Night Elves all dead.

There is no reason to give it back. The Horde needs resources. And Ashenvale has all those resources. If night elves want us to leave they need to make us an offer of compromise.