I HATE Malefic Rapture -.-

same… BFA made me quit playing (as i play mostly only lock - it wasn’t fun at all being abject trash on M+ in BFA since it was, alongside raids, content that i enjoyed)

Ever since they shifted from the legion design and got us into this darkglare mess of a spec, then added Malefic Rapture on top of it it’s only been disaster piled on disaster.
Just feels like a poor man’s shadow priest and it shows


+1 to the MR haters club here. I loved my Aff Lock alt in the old expansions because of DoTs, and slow rot. The whole fun of the spec was controlling the speed of the rot.

I think there a perfect spender for affliction in Rapid Contagion PvP talent.


I can’t believe how much better Wrath affliction feels. Dots do serious dmg and siphon life being baked into corruption is great.

Legion with malefic grasp was my favourite though…

MR needs to go.


we shouldn’t need a “spender”. Affliction is robust enough to function without using builders and spenders for resources.


they will enforce malefic rapture no matter what players want, they just give you the illusion that they are listening to their player base.


its effective yet boring

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if we must endure another 2-3 years of MR… at least make it more visually appealing T-T


what do you mean you don’t like them just using implosion’s effect for our main spender


Agreed, it is not only clunky, but it’s sooo out of the realm of the spec fantasy… Affliction is about DOTS that are meaningful… ticking damage that is amplified by “draining” the target through draining their soul. Dots feel completely worthless with MF in place… I absolutely hate it and most if not all warlocks want this spender gone. It is the worst thing to happen to affliction… if anything make it a capstone shared with stacking Unstable Afflictions… something… anything, just get rid of Malefic Rapture…


You must be fun at parties …

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100%, I hate that the trade off with Malefic Rapture means DOTS tickle and don’t rot the target…


Been strictly affliction since 2004 and stuck with it with the ups and the downs over the years. Always felt for me that is what a Warlock is, but mid way though Shadowlands I just couldn’t do it anymore and had to switch. Talents not the class, I will always love the Warlock.


Honestly if you don’t like retail warlock and keep playing it then you are part of the problem as long as there’s high numbers playing warlock nothing’s going to change

I haven’t been on retail in the last 6 months been playing warlock on tbh and now w o t l k

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Not enough people playing a class has never changed anything. There’s a lot of other classes that are underplayed compared to warlocks.

Honestly, I didn’t mind the MR rotation in season 1. The notion that you’re a DoT class that gets a benefit from how many active DoTs you’re maintaining seems, to me at least, to fit the fantasy.

What I’m most concerned about it button bloat and the number of active dots needed to be maintained and refreshed at the right time to get value from Pandemic Evocation.

I see the posts about Siphon Life (which I hate) and how it used to be “baked in” to Corruption? I wouldn’t mind one less dot to maintain when DF comes live but they seem to be struck on keeping it as is.

When my lock was affliction and just an alt in season 1 I’d take AC over SL but now that it’s my main, if i’m gonna take it seriously and knowing what a DPS loss AC would be over SL (at base level and it’s interaction with MR) I guess I’m gonna have to get used to it.


It is in Wrath, and it is awesome. Also, there is no “spender”, just rot damage.

It feels really bad in SL that you just need to add as many dots as you can for MR damage.

I will give it a go, but I am not super hopeful much will change in DF.

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I played affliction in wrath/cata then went destro from dragon soul all the way into WoD and demo has never seen any play out of me besides leveling. After cata affliction lost its touch with me due to soul swap, it just didn’t feel affliction to me anymore, but come legion it was back to dots and drainsoul, then when MR came in i was hesitant about it but to me it felt right vs the SS. Come Tuesday ill be seeing what becomes of it. I personally like mr but that being said i much rather be managing dots and running my filler, so if i can spec out of it somehow i would, i much rather apply siphon life or a different dot

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Single target aff in DF is basically the same as SL. (Playstle is nearly exactly the same)

Mythic plus is better cause of vile tant aoe agont and coe changes and aoe side just being bettter then the single target side.

come on over to shadow priest where out DoTs actually hurt lol.


Pretty sad that Spriest has better dot dmg.