I hate horde so much

then i’d have to play something other than a gnome

I recommend draenei for the waggle. Horde seduction.

Ok, Glinda…

you are a savage person blizzard should punish by transfering all your character to horde

I see that blizzard are once again coddling the horde by removing my ability to spit on orc refugees

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Alliance dog! You know not the power that we hold. I will chop down your trees, I will push Timmy into the well, I will steal small items from your home over a slow period of time as to make you go insane, I will make loud noises near your cattle and scare them away from your farms and I will slaughter your men and capture your women!

Above all else I will be sure to commit one last act of kindness upon your kind. I WILL MOON YOU ON MY WAY OUT SO THE LAST THING YOU EVER SEE ARE MY BIG ROUND GREEN CHEEKS!

A concerned Horde citizen.

How dare you horde scum. I will scorch those green cheeks and send you clapping back to Orgimmar!

Preach it, sister.

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