I guess pvpers rather sit in 1 hour queues than

use LFG. was watching Joefernades stream yesterday literally sitting in queue for 35-40+ mins while just flying around mining ores. asked him why not queue LFG 2s instead of sitting in queue and he basically said FRICK LFG lol…

That’s preposterous. I have read many threads on the forums where these r1 players are boosting and wintrading. I bet thats why he sat there in queue, getting the correct lobby with his boosting buddies in discord. /sarc


Cause LFG sucks.

I sat in LFG for 30-40 min yesterday, got declined a ton to low MMR/CR groups and when I found groups it ended in 2-3 games or less.

I got lucky and found a healer and went 12-2 with them, added them so maybe we’ll get more games in.

If I just sat in shuffle the whole time I would’ve been way higher rating.


I’d rather dig my eyeball out with a spoon than play 2s in any expansion.

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yes but What are Glyphs?

Points of you get the movie its a reference to.

Edit, orginal took out the guild name

Lol the Alt-arena players all sitting at 1400 pushing conspiracy theories.

Ya have to admit, those threads are entertaining with the ‘if you censor, you are guilty.’ And the whole if someone misses queue they are queue hopping.

I’m starting think it’s all the same guy!

I understand that there are boosters but no one is carrying anyone to 2400 right now. The 3s bracket is so deflated, most people that high are 3 people sweating hard for that rating.

I actually don’t know the reference at all haha, I just joined this guild yesterday randomly cause the GM was nice and helped me with a quest.

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Its from Zoolander, scene where Ben Stiller asks Duchovny why male models in a graveyard. Stiller forgets his line after getting it explained and just asks why male models again.


Now I know for the next time someone asks me about the guild name haha, ty.

BTW love that thread you opened and seeing the same tinfoil hat wearers in there. I think reading those threads are a great time killing sitting in queue

Haha I was saying in the thread too that I’m convinced some of those conspiracy nuts as just boosting site employees trying to change the narrative around boosting.

Half their responses read like ads to websites lol

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the arena forums have always been a great source of entertainment lol. its the only reason i ever come back here. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

same, I veg out afk in game and read these threads watching hockey or some random youtube vid about construction about off grid cabins made of pallets lol.

Yea we tend to sit 2 hour ques just to lose to 2 incompetent healers screaming slurs at the dps whenever he couldnt heal enough

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