This has become very clear, but the thing is- you’ll realize it over time as a dps after many dungeons. OP is complaining in Deadmines… players probably won’t realize that by then.
Pallies and even druids seem fine for keeping aoe threat from what I’ve seen, as well as ravager warriors through SM/ZF- but definitely in BRD it became clear for some warrior tanks you gotta give them 10 seconds before starting.
Usually a newbie will try to listen if you tell them about threat, whereas someone who doesn’t understand the difference between threat on retail and classic seems more willing to brush a tank’s complaints aside.
Outside of a few affixes, threat isn’t really an issue in mythic+.
I never denied it, it is simply the order of things. Good tanks get to call the shots. If someone can’t live with that, I’m sure they can go find another of these “dime-a-dozen” tanks that some of these folks are talking about. I don’t see how it’s an issue if there’s a plentiful supply of groups suited to each of our preferences.
It could vary from server to server, but I know for certain if you are on Mankrik and open the LFG channel or world at anytime, it’s nothing but “NEED TANK!” for almost all level ranges.
If you say so. I’m feral and I absolutely need mobs hitting me to generate rage to keep threat. It takes me like 10 seconds hitting a mob to get enough rage to get a swipe off. If I have three mobs hitting me I can Demoralize roar and get two swipes off back to back one GCD after the other.
It makes a world of difference to me. With sunder being 15 or 12 points, 15 is what my swipe costs. I know the warrior in my ZF group was specifically pulling agro to get more rage to do more damage too. Pulling agro on purpose from me, the tank. On purpose. For more rage. And asked me for thorns too.
What you are saying goes against everything I’ve seen so far. You know we are talking about groups right? Not single mobs? Groups of mobs. With threat everywhere. Because dps think they are tanks.
Only because you are weak and simple minded and need to be lead. Grown ups know their role and play it without being told every single run how to do so
(1) Warriors do not have swipe and sunder only hits a single target. We have cleave, which cost 20 rage. I haven’t been cleaving as much as I would like, but there is no way I could reliably cast demo shout and two cleaves back to back. That cost 50 rage!
(2) Was the DPS warrior prot spec’d and wearing a shield? I am telling you I have tanked 4 - 5 mobs many times, enough so that I feel the need to use shield block, and I never get enough rage to sunder and SB. I can revenge and SB, but the rage from damage taken is trivial.
(3) I don’t know what you have seen, but I suspect it is arms tanks getting chunked by trash. A prot spec’d tank is going to be rage starved in dungeons unless they have very cooperative DPS.
I think there is a tank shortage because warriors are extremely boring and grindy to play. Tanking with warrior atleast at sub lvl 30 feels so horrible, clunky and rage starved its no wonder the rest of the group get extremely bored and impatient.
Players are more experienced and informed now and have come up with a new Meta where tanks methodically pulling 1 enemy at a time or strategically crawling through each enemy encounter is not needed anymore.
Some tanks will be annoyed they aren’t the all and powerful king poo-ba that calls all the shots anymore.
No, of course not. Why would I just not dps as feral if there was already a prot warrior in the group?
I know there was that DS bug with the threat multiplier, and I only remember what tanks did at 60 in vanilla, but unless I am crazy they would tab cycle all mobs just SAing for agro. Thats what they did. If they used that thunder aoe thing that slowed attacks down by whatever they did it after they did a cycle of SA for threat.
Prot warrior did SA spam in vanilla (and BC). I am certain of this. Unless I have gone full crazy and my mind is inventing things. That would be my wife’s theory, but I honestly remember this clearly.
And I can only speak with authority now on feral tanking - and I can change into bear (get 10 rage for doing it, enough to charge), charge, if I get hit and hit I immediatly have enough for Demoralize roar. If I have three mobs hitting me I get enough rage for non stop back to back swipes and can hold agro even if a dps is not on my target.
It all goes down the drain if dps suck and don’t know how to play and don’t let me position and group for it.
I’ve never seen a tank use cleave or whirlwind to hold group agro. I never even slightly implied prot warriors have swipe. I said tanks use SA spam. DS, thunder whatever its called, revenge, shield slam when rage allows, etc. I assumed warriors tanks were like bears and generated a lot more rage when being hit. If you say they don’t, and don’t need the extra rage generation to use more GCDs to hold agro on groups more effectively, I’ll take your word for it.