I get married tomorrow

Thanks Tea. That means a lot. :hugs:

I’m currently with a wonderful man who makes me laugh, and we’ve got 4 cats who are the best! Even with their knife-beans. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Omg there should be wedding scenarios in wow! Thatd be so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Are you going to be the priest of your own wedding? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

All jokes aside, I hope you have a great wedding mate. :slight_smile:

Any time.

Oh no! Are you still married to mumber 3? Also, I completely understand. Trying to see the good in people has led to some pretty bad “man choices” in my life too!

I’m not personally a fan of big weddings either. I eloped with my husband on a nice little getaway and oof! The money we saved!!! It was also extremely relaxing. No pressure at all.

Oh dear. Admittedly human anatomy/biology is not my strong point buf I didn’t realize you could faint from coffee and/or elevated blood pressure. I thought it was only from low blood pressure? Although perhaps in her case it was low blood sugar? Still though… must have been scary and stressful for everyone.

Yikes! What type of camera did he have? I used to do photography as a hobby and once dropped a minolta down a set of marble stairs and it survived with nary a scratch!

Oh my. No wonder you feel so strongly about caffeine. :grimacing:

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aw. kitty family!

I’m glad you’re in a better place these days. :heart:

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No. He was one of the functioning alcoholics. My current, wonderful man and I have been together for 20 years, and not married. Maybe that’s the key. :laughing:

Brilliant! Well done! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It was an evening wedding, so she stopped drinking anything an hour before we all got dressed since it was going to be a long ceremony (because my fiancé and I were young idiots who were into the theatricality of it all - which I learned to never repeat), and she didn’t want to need to use the restroom during the ceremony or the endless photo session afterwards. So I think it was more like a caffeine crash plus low blood sugar due to no food all day, and her nerves that caused her to faint.

No idea. But it was in 1989 before digital cameras were a thing, and actual film was used.