I get married tomorrow

Hey congratulations! Enjoy your life to the fullest with your new spouse … the years tick by fast.

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That’s great to hear. Good for you!

I actually met my wife in WoW.
We had a kid, also a huge Blizzard fan, grew up to play WoW, and all.

Good company, good times.


Congrats OP! Many blessings on your marriage!

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Congratulations. May this day be wonder, your fur fluffy, and the winds gentle.

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Happy for you bud

Well good luck, iv been married before for 10 years with kids, all i can say your life is over lol

good for you glorybraids

I’ve been married three times (because I make terrible man choices and I live in eternal hope that I’m capable of learning from my mistakes. :laughing:)

My first wedding had 400 guests (which I don’t recommend. There’s no reason to invite anyone who isn’t a close friend/family member that you wouldn’t invite to your home for a small holiday party.)

The incident: One of my Bridesmaids wasn’t good being in front of a crowd of people and fainted halfway through the ceremony. She’d had nothing but tons of coffee that day because she was so nervous.

Wedding #2 (200 guests, which was still too many.) The incident: The photographer was drinking Red Bull nonstop which made him so jumpy and in such…hyper-mode. He was trying to do five things at once taking pre-ceremony photos of myself with my Bridesmaids and knocked over the table his open camera bag and his full, open can of Red Bull was on, breaking both his main camera and the backup with both getting soaked in Red Bull. So the only photos from that wedding were the instamatic single-use cameras we had placed on every table at the reception for the guests to use.

Wedding #3 Incident: 60 guests. My new husband’s Grandfather had more coffee than food and passed out at the reception and an ambulance was called. The EMTs took him to the ER because his heart rate was so elevated.

Weddings are stressful events for those getting married and most everyone involved with the event. Caffeine adds to that stress.


Well we had about 100 people, it was perfect. I can’t say I avoided the alcohol, I got drunker than a skunk😆 but it was amazing


Was coming back here just to check in on how it went lol wanted to make sure both parties were present for the occasion


You didn’t have to get married tho. You could be like me lonely and eating frozen pizzas everyday like a champion!

Congratulations on your wedding! :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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Priorities vary. From where I sit, raising a kid was both the hardest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.


Congrats - I hope you spend the rest of your lives in happiness.

gz married man :cake:

The common factor is you, bud.


She did say they make terrible choices


Yes. I’m obviously the problem. I clearly asked for a knife to be held to my throat (because I said paying rent was more important than him buying a new golf club), and need to stop being charmed by functioning alcoholics. I’m working on it.

[sarcasm]Thanks for the positive reinforcement. Much appreciated.[/sarcasm]


Oh no. Sorry. :<

Um. Good luck on #4? Maybe cats are better.

Cats are just hungry and want pets.

They have built-in knives but don’t care about golf clubs.

My cat even poops outside. I don’t need to clean up after him.



I hope you weren’t too drunk to remember your wedding, but I’m glad you had an amazing time!