I get married tomorrow

I think the real question is did you meet your wife-to-be on WoW or not??

Congratulations though

Congratulations! Are we all invited?


fair game now

That is a very pretty picture. Looks AI, but still cute af.


Congrats/Best Wishes.

Try to enjoy your day, it’s the fastest experience ever.

  • It’s your wedding. No one else’s. Not your parents, your siblings, your friends, etc.
  • Stay sober, and keep your spouse sober. It’s a rare wedding that’s completely without incident, (which is fine, because you’ll have great hilarious stories forever, which I look forward to hearing about. Just don’t be part of the incident.)
  • Avoid caffeine. Decaf is your friend. (Sparkling water/club soda is your soul mate.) Caffeine is your enemy for the day and increases your odds of becoming the incident. If you drink caffeine daily, have no more than 12oz in the morning to avoid a withdrawal headache, but no more.
  • Remember: Again, It’s you and your spouse’s day. No one else’s. Don’t allow anyone to attempt to dictate the protocols of how your wedding/reception should go other than the actual person who’s job it is to basically be acting Stage Manager, i.e. family members, the photographer, etc. They’ll think they’re helping. They’re not. Be gentle and lovingly firm and remind them they’re a guest. It’s not about them, it’s about the two of you.
  • Eat something simple like toast and hard boiled egg whites for breakfast. Avoid spicy/hard to digest foods prior to the ceremony. You need your blood sugar stable so you don’t become the incident.
  • STAY SOBER. (Remember: alcohol specifically lies to you and tells you that you’re fine when you’re not, especially when you’re part of the incident that every wedding guest has forever immortalized you with their smart phone.)
  • Breathe. Take time to take in the moments, which will be difficult to remember to do, but allow yourself because it’s your day. Again, it’s the fastest day ever. It will rush by in a blur. Hopefully a sober one.

congratulations and remember treat your wife well , you are in this together as a team. it’s not a competition or who has done more or earns more , there are no points to be earned . and if there are arguments, remember, there will be no winners . even if you think you won an argument , you really have not


I swear to god if you cut the wedding cake into tiny sample size squares, I will find you. lol. Seriously tho, congrats.

Congrats on signing a contract with the state and your person. May the contract never be needed in a court of law.



I can be your bouncer to make sure no draenei ruin your wedding.

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Best wishes :white_heart:

Thanks everyone for the best wishes and advice!


It’s over for you though, you gettin married!! Haha! Jk. Am I though? Confratulations!!!

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Congrats to you and your future spouse! My then boyfriend, now husband introduced me to WoW when I was 18. I just turned 35, and we’re playing MoP ReMix together :blush: Sharing your life with the person you love always makes the days brighter. I wish you both many more wonderful times together.

Maybe it’s the ADHD that’s preventing me from understanding this… but genuinely what???

Anyway, congrats to the OP. I hope you have a truly wonderful day. :heartpulse: :bouquet:

Congratulations. Where’s the wedding? Ironforge? Stormwind? Are we getting invitations?

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Congrats my guy! Hope the wedding is a blast :))

Much congrats! And don’t forget to freeze a piece of the cake! Wish you all the best!

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:vulcan_salute: cheers!

Does your fiancee play?

Hey, now. I get a good 12 hours in a week with a 2 year old.


She does not but she has no issues with me playing this game thank god :laughing: