I find the jailer insanely stupid... strategically

I’m willing to bet the jailer will take the Soul of Azeroth, and rebirth souls ala Burning Legion style. Using all the anima and souls he’s collected
burst through the veil to collapse the barrier between life and death permanently.

Or we will learn he’s somehow the first void lord or something, since Nauru were birth from Revendreth, its not a far fetched idea.

People need to use some brain cells and realize he’s ALLOWING us to use the waystone. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that. He is using the exact same strategy Arthas did: to let us get stronger so we can be made his tools later.

Unless you’re a tauren shaman, of course. Next patch all tauren shaman will be instabooted from the maw for unworthiness.

We’re all the same level as the bad guys. If not the game would be over pretty quick.

Am I the only person who thinks THIS IS A REAL POSSIBILITY

They really should have explained this better… so the way out of the Maw is just sitting around in the middle of no where. Supposedly no one can activate so maybe that’s why the Jailor doesn’t guard it at all but then his army witnesses us escaping through it and he still doesn’t guard it?

All they had to do to make this make sense is to have us get a quest to recover it and hide it in Venari’s Hovel on our second trip to the Maw.

Personally I think they shouldn’t have made The Maw a daily quest zone right off the bat either. It really ruins the “danger” element to go there every single day + for torghast. Plus the zone sucks anyway so no one wants to go there.

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With Blizzard behind him, there isn’t much to get excited about.

Not unless they’re willing to give me a chance to carve up Tyrande or Sylvanas.

Invincible not dropping? It’s a very real possibility.

Ya’ll looking at it wrong. The Jailer doesn’t want to stop you from coming to the Maw. He wants to escape the Maw. You’re an unwitting pawn making the way out even bigger to eventually allow him to squeeze through.

As he said to Anduin when the player character escaped, he had exactly what he wanted.

In the meantime, he only acts to smite you when you pester him and his forces too much.

He’s probably just very bored and wants to see what we do. The fact he goes “interesting” at you starting up the Oribos stone shows that.

All wow bosses ever

Am I wrong in thinking he would be way more awesome if he was sporting a mustache?

No, it’s almost certain. After you escape through the ancient magical gateway the jailer says something like “HMMM NOW I HAVE WHAT I NEED FOR MY MYSTERIOUS PLAN WINK WINK”.

I don’t even think of him as the jailor. No because of the angle of him on that video in the launcher, I know him as ‘that nipple guy’ and that’s not very intimidating

I think what he wants is a functional teleport stone, and a corrupted Maw Walker to use it on his behalf.

His role in a James Bond film would be listed as Generic Henchmen 1 in the credits.

I don’t see why Blizzard needed to show him all in his glory.

He was far more intimidating when all we saw was his outline behind Slyvanas. It would of been far more interested that all we knew of the Jailer was what others said about him.

We never got any clear look at him just a few glimpses of his form and everything else about him were rumors.

We just knew he was something we did not want to face until we had too.

However, Blizzard thinks all that is required to be evil is to be bald have tattoos.