I find it sad

what are you so pissy about that you need changed or balanced?


Well, since your sub is expiring, it tell us you do not enjoy the game.
Why cater to the haters?

Your math is off by a month. Lol. Shadowlands has only been out 57 days.

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I disagree with many of Blizzard’s decisions, but this one actually makes a lot more sense than most players think it does:

By this point there are tens if not hundreds of thousands of players who have gone for their “optimal” Covenants. All the Mages are Venthyr if they PvP and Night Fae if they aren’t doing PvP as a main focus. All the Hunters are Night Fae or Kyrian. All the Shamans probably went Venthyr if they PvP or Necrolord if they PvE. All the Druids are Night Fae with a handful of Kyrian players for M+.

Do you really think Blizzard should give hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of players a gigantic middle finger for being invested in their specs simply because of the few dozen or few hundred that didn’t do their research beforehand? Because if Blizzard rebalances the game to a significant degree by changing Covenant hierarchy drastically right now they would assuredly lose the goodwill of a LOT of players who by this point have already invested a ton into their classes and covenants.


I mean… yes?

Covenants should be as balanced as possible.

There’s covenant combinations like Venthyr Warlock where it’s mathematically NEVER worth casting the Covenant ability as Destruction or Demonology.


Do you really think Blizzard should punish people for joining a covenant they thought fit their character best when that’s LITERALLY WHAT THEY TOLD PEOPLE TO DO?


If you really thought Blizzard was able to ever get these balanced I’d like to sell you a bridge.

The entire system is utter garbage from start to finish. And part of why it’s garbage was because they need to be able to balance a system that literally cannot be balanced without effectively wasting folks’ time one way or the other.

Locks’ Venthyr ability is bad, but if it suddenly became good after a hotfix with like a night’s warning more people would be punished for not being Venthyr all along than if Venthyr remained bad for the tier and the Venthyr Lock players that cared about their performance decided to swap over to Kyrian or Night Fae+Affliction.

Everybody warned Blizzard that this system would be a balancing nightmare. Now they have to own up to the fact that they can’t possibly balance said system without pissing everyone off.

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Oct 27 to Nov 27
Nov 27 to Dec 27
Dec 27 to Jan 27

That is three months.

SL launched on Nov 23rd.
Are you referring to the prepatch?

EDIT - To clarify, SL is hot garbage. I only disagree with your math.

A 9% buff is not that minimal. But yeah they are likely hesitant to balance covenants as they know making people swap will annoy a lot of them. Heck I would be super annoyed if they destroyed night fae for mages and buffed necrolord.

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I do, actually. They said that they wanted Covenants to be about fun, not meta gaming. So yeah, I think they should give the middle finger to the millions of players that just went with the best abilities on paper, instead of atleast considering the story and characters of each covenant.

And how many of them would unsub because Blizzard basically spat in their face and made them waste dozens of hours’ worth of investment in a hotfix they had virtually no time to prepare for?

How quickly do you think that would hurt Blizzard’s bottom line?

Players don’t like when developers don’t respect their time and investment into the game. And basically giving everyone the finger by making a huge change and wasting potential millions of players’ time and gold spent building up legendaries and getting their Renown up would be absolutely certain to make a ton of players quit.

If you really don’t want players to commit to whatever Covenant offers the best numbers, then you shouldn’t defend Blizzard’s decision to tie numbers to Covenants.

There’s nothing fun about being a crippled class.



He’s asking for more balance, not the obliteration of specific covenants that are outperforming others. Right now, the middle finger is being given to the players that chose covenants which best fit their character, invested the same amount of time as others, and are left objectively performing less well (sometimes in a big way) than their peers. This shouldn’t be the case.

If covenants were tuned more fairly, and this isn’t to say to necessarily even change the hierarchy, no, I don’t believe it’d damage Blizzard’s bottom line.

And most players will always likely choose that which is best in numbers. That’s fine and there will always be specializations, for instance, that simply outperform others. This also applies to covenants: some will be better than others. The margin by which covenants are better than others should not be so large is what I’m saying.

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Able? Yes.
Willing? No.

That’s the breaking point for me. Some of the imbalances could be solved by a very simple buff/change to underperforming covenants.

I think your jump from “a loss of damage” to “godlike” is an unfair way to frame the problem. You don’t need to make them godlike…just not trash.

I mean I agree, but the question right now, is “what can they do” rather than “what should they have done.” Past can’t be changed, unfortunately.

If the solution is to make combat abilities separate from covenant, then so be it, but I 100% think Blizzard is wrong for not even trying anything.


What about all the other players who haven’t?

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They could buff low performance classes more? lol? You don’t even have to nerf anything.

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This is a fair take.

There’s just one problem, though: Blizzard balances not with a chisel but with a sledgehammer. You remember “we don’t want you playing Demonology,” don’t you? You remember when Blizzard nerfed Survival so hard that it was probably the worst DPS in the history of post-Cataclysm WoW in patch 6.2, don’t you?

Blizzard balance, all too frequently, is the complete obliteration of what performs very well.

I want the Covenants to be so extremely close to one-another that I can prioritize cosmetics and actually play Venthyr on something. I love Revendreth. I love that Covenant. But at this point you’re a joke if you’re playing Venthyr on your Mage and aren’t exclusively PvPing.

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How about no. Because you know they’ll just nerf things into the ground and then you’ll be on here raging that you had to swap Covenants and can’t finish this patch’s content because of it.

That’s an understandable concern. Personally, I still am hoping for at least nominal changes or buffs to the worse covenants.

Shadowlands launched November 23rd.

October 27th was the date that got pushed back.

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