I Finally Played Against the Legendary Bobos in a BG

So really this is just for you to get back in a game quicker. Yea pass on surrender.


in WG in particular once a team is dominating and has momentum the game is pretty much decided, but there still might be 30 minutes left. in that case a revolving door on losing team means way more than 40 players are eating that loss/deserter. ending the game early means only the original 40 are effected.

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Yea not too concerned. I fear for Classic if half the playerbase now joins.

“If you want to take the island, burn your boats.”

Yeah I feel like every match would end with a surrender.

Had a WG match last night against at least a partial premade - I swear the Alliance cycled through well over 40 peeps that left the game, a never-ending parade. I wonder how many of them get annoyed when they backfill into a game but will quit anyway and bestow that ‘opportunity’ on others lol.

EDIT: on a side note, I don’t play as much anymore and have only been less than 10 WG games this xpac - but ALWAYS on offense; is it just a wild rumor that sometimes Alliance is on defense in WG?!?


Yes, Horde seems to be running a LOT of WG premades/partial-premades as of lately :thinking:

Might have something to do with why, when I play my Alliance toon, I seem to get dropped into a lot of “in progress” WG losses. Or even if it’s a “fresh” match, Alliance seems to struggle on this map and usually loses (generally)

I always check the bg charts first thing as soon as I enter a match. And if I see certain names on the list… such as the Hydra leader DK, the Hydra second-in-command Druid, “Governator” person, etc I just AFK out since then I know Horde is probably a premade or a partial-premade. No point in staying in a rigged match. Alliance casuals vs Horde premades? No thx

I haven’t seen any similar Alliance premades in WG, the Alliance premades (SPM, Clan, etc) seem to be sticking to AV. It seems like Alliance casuals are “on their own” with regards to the frequent Horde premades in WG, because the Alliance premades are no where to be seen.

Gonna be honest here, I wouldn’t leave if you face this group. Looked up the DKs winrate in this BG and it’s much, much lower than the average Horde that posts here like Jarawana, Inemia or Pipi (the only few that I know that do a lot of those)

Can someone explain all this “Hydra” talk to me?

You must be new, it’s a well-known Horde premade group

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I’m but a twink! I don’t know anything about max levels!

You should have seen my face when I was maledicted the first time.

Tbf, you wouldn’t know them unless you were around in wod, specifically here or AV.

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I got into my first 2 WG last night (in horde dk).

Both around 4 minutes left with horde losing and on offense.

The second one I alt tabbed and actually got reported afk with less than 1 minute left…

Why?!! Why?!?

It’s about 50/50 (+/- with rng), promise.

WoD was about when I was totally sick of AV. I had it blacklisted.

Now I desperately miss it at lower levels.

Horde losing on offense, you don’t see that too often. I have only been in one where we won on defense.

Really? It’s so easy to defend. I used to argue against that but yea, takes a real screwup to lose defense.

i would stick around for a hydra premade, most of the horde i know go out of their way to not help or even sabotage/spy when hydra is around.

Governnator leads WGE, which is less a premade and more of an semi-organized group, he’ll coordinate the team and lead, but he does that with pugs as well. provided players follow his commands it will seem like a premade.


:joy::joy: that is hilarious. Guess that explains the lower winrate. I mean mine is way lower but it’s mostly solo queue as Alliance.


doing nothing and then claiming credit for wins as well as rage whispering people tends to lead to that.

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