I feel the Horde needs a feel-good moment before SL ends

Thalyssra does use the Withered, but is because she has no other choice, and she made efforts to improve their lives.

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Her entire situation is quite crappy and hamfisted, the “lost sibling out of nowhere” failed here, specially because of how she looks vs how the rest of the forsaken look,i really want to believe she will get xera’ed.

it was late in my defense, dont do memes lads they will destroy your soul.

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If it helps, I don’t think villain batting an Alliance character would give me a feel-good moment.


the last feel good moment the horde had was what…the first half of the wrathgate? which was immediately shattered…by the second half of wrathgate.


You know, I think that’s one reason why the bait-and-switch BfA cinematic was such a bitter disappointment. It hinted at some potentially compelling developments for major lore characters (Sylvanas finally stepping up to become a leader that even Saurfang could respect), but in the context of a massive battle that we player characters were going to participate in and see from our own POV. It looked like the best of both worlds, and it was a complete lie.


Nice reminder you should maybe check the ahem avatar of the person you´re talking to.

Post Cata whole narrative arc, nuff said. You are being naive if you believe devs will ever touch one of the inmaculate non-villain touchable Alliance characters if they feel like making their 3rd try at a PvP narrative orinted expac.

Devs would destroy the whole Horde freaking council in this case, mark my words.

Ditto. The only thing I ask is actually to NOT have Alliance / formerly Alliance / Alliance flavored characters rubbed on my nose 24/7. Is that too much to ask for?

I liked when Vol’jin became warchief and had his moment with Varian at the end of MoP… And then he died… Hmm this can’t be a pattern could it?

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I’m still not over the loss of Dranosh. After BC Nagrand I was hoping he’d stick around a while longer and offer a more even-keeled counterweight to Garrosh in the long term. The list of Horde NPCs whose potential for development has been utterly squandered by premature demise or vapid, villainous turns, is long and frustrating to recount.


same thing happened with kael’thas , kael was always really kind and smart and pragmatic and look at what blizz did to my boy


One thing that would work for me is a a bit more narrative progression on the Horde as a whole, who has a lot of members in dire need of development both as individual characters, races, and the bonds between them. The Horde member races has endured unimaginable hardships since their first joining, and after Shadowlands they will have quite literally gone through the gates of the afterlife together. They have gone through so much pain, and struggle together that I feel it’s far past time to move on from a nation that is on shaky bonds with one another to one that has bonds forged of steel.

I don’t want to be told about how the Horde is coming together, I want to see it. More integration of the factions, more influences from the other non-orc races, and maybe start sprinkling in a bit more of the non-playable races that are also part of the Horde. Show them rebuilding the lands devastated by the Cataclysm, and bringing together their differences to form new Strengths.

Just look at the Barrens, a land transformed by the Cataclysm:
Have Vulpera and Tauren working together on the Caravans, let the Mag’har and Goblins turn the Divide into a deep mining operation, have the Horde making use of all the architecture that Garrosh left laying around, etc. Show the Horde has grown into the lands they have settled, and made them their own.

I want to see more of the ‘Normal’ people of the Horde interacting with each other, living their lives, and showing that being a part of the Horde has improved their lives, and the quality of the World around them. Show the Horde solving problems that only they could solve, and making the world better for it.
In short: Show the Horde as an entity that was worth fighting for, is still worth fighting for. Small things in a setting like this that make the big things all the more worthwhile.

It’s why people care about this setting, imo, not because Baine said a speech, or Tyrande did some cool power, but because we need to help that Tauren Grandmother harvest some herbs, or make sure a lost Night Elf Child can be returned home safely. It is the common folk that we care for.


Just watch the cinematic where Saurfang swings his borrowed Shalamayne impotently at Sylvanas and then flops pathetically in the dirt while Thrall knots his brows in humiliated concern.

That is your hopes landing in the dirt outside Orgrimmar and a good summary to the experience of the last 6 expansion packs.

They even summarize it for you in the cinematic. “The Horde is nothing.”

Oh, my glorious Warchief. Thank you so much. For the Horde indeed. And it was all for nothing.


Fistpumping right now as I type this.


My boy Baine never gets any love, was hoping to see him become warchief, but no war no warchief now i guess

Top kek af.

If you had told me in Barrens General Chat, back around the time the Might of Kalimdor marched on AQ, amidst Saurfang Chuck Norris jokes while I was leveling a new alt and helping Mankrik with bereavement counseling in the Southern Barrens, that this was going to be how ol’ Varok went out many years later, I’d have told you to gtfo with that crazy talk. :rofl: My oh my how things have changed.


The feel-good Horde moment will be when Vampire Kael’thas comes back to lead the San’layn and joins them to the Horde.


Honestly? I wouldn’t be super opposed to that. Throw in Velonara to represent the Banshee Dark Rangers, and Delaryn to represent the Undead NEs … and you’d have a neat little compilation race of Undead Elves to play around with.


As long as Kael’thas counts as the race leader.


Can we remove Delaryn et al from that race, please? The fact they jumped to follow mommy Calia seems to imply they wouldn´t be up to Kael´s standards…

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i cant tell if you’re being facetious or not.

would that count as a horde “feel good moment?”

I dont think we can have any good way to deal with the undead nelves now that they served their purpose (more mustache twirling)

A feel good horde moment for me would be Thrall owning up to his mistakes, not the hordes his and stop running from his responsibilities to the MU orca and get some of his shaman mojo back cause the horde now lacks any leader to go toe to toe with any of the alliance leaders.


The best feel-good moment for the Horde would be if Baine died. It would piss alliance fanatics off because horde got rid of their worst character. While the alliance still has theirs (Anduin/Jaina)