Not at all, but that isn’t a war between the factions. That’s just more of the conflict-style antagonism from Vanilla which I don’t think anyone is complaining about. In fact, right before your post here, I advocated for exactly that sort of situation.
A neverending state of actual war doesn’t fit the WoW style of basic superhero storytelling drama. An enemy you can never defeat is the antithesis of how WoW’s story is told. Imagine if instead of defeating Arthas at the end of Wrath, we instead left him at Icecrown, went back home, and from Cata to now, we just still fought against him. While also fighting the other threats.
It sounds cool at first, but then you really start thinking about it. “Great, the X.2 patch is coming. Wonder how we’ll beat back the Scourge this time? Can we just go back to ICC and kill Arthas this time?!”
WoW, again, is a basic superhero story. The hero (IE the player character) must defeat the villain and end the conflict for the conflict to have any meaning at all. A constant narrative of “sorry hero, your Garrosh is in another castle, try again next expansion” breaks that narrative, makes the hero into an incompetent fool and accomplishes nothing. It destroys the very story it is trying to tell.
Well yeah, it’s reductive. You literally responded to me with “this thread proves you wrong” when it certainly does nothing of the sort. Don’t be disingenuous and I won’t be reductive.
Thus is the nature of the beast, sadly.
Reddit sucks for most discussions. Period, it really just does. Unless you’re coming in from an entrenched position everyone else has already dug themselves into, you’re just digging yourself a very lonely hole. The WoW official forums are not too different; around here we’re a bit more willing to listen than, say, GD, but it comes at the inevitable cost of smaller exposure and the fact we’ve all already had these discussions and hold pretty well-established views.
Around here, I’d say we’re mostly willing to listen, but because of our hyper-focus on the story, there are just certain topics we refuse to budge on (even though we have a variety of views among us) and quickly lead to just plain arguments.
Faction War.
Night Elves.
Horde representation.
Everyone is pretty entrenched in their views on these topics (and that list isn’t meant to be all-enclusive; there’s other topics less talked about too) because we’ve done them to death for years.
So yeah, I feel your pain.