I feel I must apologize to the Static flying crowd

For some of us, that’s a big “if.” I think there was a quest thing that made using the DF mounts mandatory but otherwise, I’ve been using my old flying mounts exclusively, even on long flights and appreciating DF’s landscapes and me not becoming a part of the landscape because I screwed something up, yet again.

For folks like you, I’m very happy you are enjoying it and I hope your favorite older mounts get DF as well. Enjoy. :slight_smile:


Thanks. Apology accepted.

There’s definitely value to having both forms of flight available. I’m glad dragonriding is available for those that enjoy it. I kinda wish I could enjoy dragonriding tbh, it would be nice for getting from zone to zone quickly. I gave it a good try, but it’s simply not for me.

Honestly, I wish I could use regular flight on dragonriding mounts. I love the animation of the dragonriding mounts swooping down next to me when I summon them.


I like them both! Different tools in the toolkit is winning.


if only this music played when we mounted those classic mounts:

or if you prefer this:


I like the option when i run out of vigor. And being able to just press one button to go vertical to the height i want. :smiley:


I see it as the difference between fixed wing aircraft and helicopters. Both has their strengths and weaknesses, so I use both variants depending on the situation.


Fixed wing and rotorcraft :upside_down_face:

If I want speed, I’ll jump in the Lear (dragon). If I want to loiter, it’s the Bell


as someone who enjoys dragonriding, i wish they’d get rid of dragonriding. i don’t like the changes to the game that came with it. i don’t like these huge zones with so much empty space. i like them more compact and busy so you bump into more players. DF openworld felt very lonely compared to past expansions. and i liked that you had to stick to ground mounts for your first time through the .0 campaign of a new expansion. just make Pathfinder less tedious to unlock, and bring back Flight Master’s Whistle (and remove its cooldown).

actually i think they should keep dragonriding, but make it only useable for dragon racing, and they should add new race courses throughout all the legacy zones.

Exactly. Just use the one you want. I myself will always prefer Dynamic flying. Others can use what makes them happy.

I’ve found a couple of niche situations where old flying has been useful to me, but only a few. But to each their own. As long as you’re not botting, I’m not going to judge.

Options are good. I just prefer static flying. More chill and relaxing for me.


I agree that both dynamic and static flying have their pros, cons, and uses, but what I’m really excited about is choosing between the druid’s flight form speed. Going from, “Why, hello there. I’m a crow, just leisurely cruising through these trees,” to “I’m a dang crow and I’m zooming over this here mountain range, whaddduuuppp!


Static or TBC flight is always the most picked option for many because we gotten so used to it.

Borh have there ups and downs

Dragon flying is so fast but if you run out of stamina it can be annoying just slowly falling, even more if you land on a side of a hill. you can also easily miss or overshoot your target. Getting the mountsin flags was sooooooo annoying trying to land on the small top spots.

Static flying is good caz you can just hover in place and land on a pinhead.

Going faward ill prob stick to static flying. If i really need to get somplace fast i may dragon fly


I’m glad I have the hand/eye coordination to be able to dynamic fly without issues. Landing pretty much on top of gathering nodes isn’t a problem for me, but I can totally understand your point of view, when you have problems mechanically. I might develop those problems in the future, too. Who knows?

But I’ve always been a “both options, everywhere” person, despite how… aggressive some of the “anti-dynamic, pro-static” players have been.



Don’t understand how people enjoy boring static air swimming.

The GD forum is full of rabidly “anti” types. Anti-pvp, anti-dynamic, anti-___, if they don’t participate or if it involves change, they don’t want it in the game.


OG achievements is one way.

Dragon flapping is awesome it removes your ability to notice there is nobody else anywhere. Its just you playing a solo game till you land at some weirdo timed content.

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Both forms of flying are good. I like both, too. DR’ing has its place as does static flying.

If they ever get rid of the vigor then I’ll probably go back to mostly DR’ing but til then, I pretty much just use the static but only because of the vigor.

I find it really annoying.