pets are pretty broken (shakes fist at windserpent in particular) in most of the game from all forms of pve to all forms of pvp.
its a well known thing that anyone with a serious and critical eye on things knows.
now that thats out of the way i will move on to the real point.
this is season of discovery and alot of classes got loads of new abilities and even new roles that are mostly great (rogue tanks are meh) .
the hunter got a beefed up ai pet and a melee ability or two and that was about it.
the pet rune is the only thing worth running in raids and pvp for anyone who wants to preform up to snuff and its a solidly boring spec to play.
wheres the pizzazz ? make a fully fleshed out melee spec? make the aspects affect changes like for instance aspect of the monkey being a tank spec or something that buffs melee by some effect?
like very little went into something new that the player had to push new buttons to do or give some other playstyle rather than the same old classic era hunter .
you want to nerf it ? fine.
add something else in its place to compensate. make them play differently with actual incentives to play such.
make lone wolf 25% or more.
switch around some of the rune slots so people can build a marksman hunter.
rethink the massive cooldown on flanking strike.
make the aspects do different things that produce new and exciting playstyles.
dont just excessively nerf a class and give them nothing and no direction for new gameplay styles that would be acceptable.
push them into something new.
test out putting lone wolf to 25%.
we got a month to burn anyways. let people test it.