I don't understand how multiboxing is different that botting

because one player can do this and another player cant without paying more money

Sure, when you lose an argument just accuse the other person of cheating. HMMMM maybe this explains why you dislike multiboxing. Did you get ganked or something?

So you’re saying one player is just able to something by default, but others have to pay?

nope like ive said multiple times, one player can replicate their input across 5 characters and gain benefit from that, whereas one player can only replicate their input across 1 character unless they pay more for more characters

Really? They can just show up at the instance at any hour of day or night and immediately start pulling? No having to wait on the dps to arrive? No having to wait for the tank to get there from kalimdor or healer to finish that quest turn in in ironforge?

They have complete mastery of the loot? In the 5 mans they form?

Must be nice playing on those servers because even as a tank or healer I usually have to wait 5-20 minutes for the group to form and be ready to go. Even then you don’t know the quality of the player you are getting and it can be pretty bad.

You are stating that it’s P2W and weren’t acknowledging the disadvantages, or even the fact the advantages are largely irrelevant.

Uh, no. In this very thread you said that it’s only P2W if they’re running a free software, whereas if they aren’t - but are paying the same - it’s not. Your problem is not with the money, it’s with the software.

Not really.

So you’re admitting you were being intentionally dishonest?

Which you finally acknowledge.

Raiding, organized PvP, not as efficient as organized instances, gets harder the higher you go, requires you to spend much longer on collect quests, has you share kill experience (which limits you based on mob spawn timers), requires you to gear five times over, and even in the situations where it does provide advantage, it isn’t universal since they only mirror what you do and can’t do anything else.

What benefit do they gain?

Sounds like it sucks to be you. Sorry you don’t have any friends in WoW.

If a person wants me to play with their turd, I am perfectly within my rights to say “that’s a turd dude, I don’t want to play with that” and if they say “o so you don’t want to pay with a turd, that means you lose” I will say “yep, I forfeit turdball, you can win those turds all day”

So yes, I lost turdball, you win.

Yes and no. The problem is that multiboxing stops being as good the higher level you go. By the time you’re trying to do the higher level instances, it’s not exactly easy to do it when multiboxing. If you also think being able to run dungeons virtually alone is a big advantage… it’s not, really. It’s a minor advantage and requires an immense time and financial investment.

And again, they have to run the dungeon 5 times as much.

You’re really whiny.

yeah because im not going to acknowledge your stance that the player multiboxing is not at a largely advantageous position to a player not multiboxing. thats just a ridiculous presumption to try and argue for and i have no idea why you keep expecting me to just accept this just because you say it. step up your game.

my problem is when there is one player paying for 5 character so that they have an advantage over another player just paying for 1 character like normal, the way the game was desgined for.

i was not because

was what you were telling me was reality, which the reality is not that way

what 5 man content is difficult? We had a shadow priest tank for the lolz the other day. The content is a joke. The hardest part of the content is getting 5 schmucks to show up and not fight with each other. Any time it is a disadvantage you can just not multi box.

Again, people who multi-box are in general doing it to benefit 1-2 characters, not to have all 5 be equally geared so that argument only holds if they want 5 equally geared characters.

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Maybe you’re just having a hard time because you’re not a very likeable person. I think your posts on the forums lends credence to this proposition.

Citation needed.

And you are not a very gracious victor, you won turdball, you should be happy! Not sure why you feel the need to still be negative instead of celebrating

Are…are you seriously asking for a citation on wow player habits, specifically multi-boxers?

If you thought turdball regionals were good, the semifinals are just heating up

I absolutely agree that in a random, world PvP scenario where a multiboxer comes across a lone player, the multiboxer is at a huge advantage. That’s really the biggest advantage they get - but it’s completely irrelevant. It doesn’t matter. It never really has. This same advantage can be granted by being a much higher level, having better gear, or being the class that counters them.

Cool. Except if we played the way Blizzard intended, we wouldn’t even have Classic. They never intended to make one until they were convinced of the feasibility and the desire from players.

1v1 me garbage player

Mad cuz bad. Also, can’t afford more subs.

they can also kill elite mobs, kill regular mobs, all 5 times as quickly, can solo dungeons, can do many things a full party could do

afraid to 1v1 me?