I don't understand counterstrike totem

It says that it kicks back 100% of the damage back to the attacker but im noticing ( alot ) that the totem is not actually doing this.

For example, had a rogue on me, he didnt destroy the totem but proceeded to kick my butt real good. I was at 0% and he was still at 80%

If its suppose to counter 100% of the damage, why is the rogue not dead as well ?

it happens all the time and im wondering what im doing wrong.


It’s very picky, the 20yd range can make it difficult and not only that but there’s usually a delay in it reflecting the damage so you kind of have to get people to sit in that 20yd range for a bit. Also with classes like rogue they can use cloak to avoid all its damage since cs totem is considered spell damage.

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There’s a dmg cap per hit or sumshiz on it.

it reflects only direct damage, not dots, so assuming the rogue was assassination, not much to reflect. Not sure about the damage cap but I’ve heard about it before.

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As said … it does not deflect dots and poisons . So not much use against Sin Rogues. The class I have seen it work the best is against DH. Mainly because most DH just mash their 3 buttons without thinking . Also works well against warriors during blade storm , just drop it and watch it do its thing. Or when a Pally uses shield of vengeance and thinks he is safe from your burst .

As for damage cap , I don’t know . There is definitely a cap against vehicle damage like in WG or IOC. I don’t think there is any cap against players and I have seen CS do top damage in boss fights like against Van in AV.


As said, rogue was probably using DoTs.

I dont tend to get much use out of counterstrike in 1v1 situations, but it’s awesome in those huge world pvp brawls or battlegrounds where you’ve got 20-30 players on each side blasting each other and you can drop the totem without it being noticed.

Thanks all for the tips. I’m going to try to figure this out but am still skeptical on its actually kick back. I know it works well on demon hunters but im in a lower bracket and not many DHs to test it further.

Throw it down when they’re channelling a big spell, like Eyebeam. They’ll have to break the channel or hurt themselves. It’s also good to use when they pop their cooldowns, once you drop it run away from the totem but stay within range so it still works. With 3 pack spirit ghost wolf you can turtle up the damage if they haven’t killed it. I had a ret paladin kill himself the other day by hitting himself for 100k, was pretty funny.

Saying that, most good players these days have a glad addon that’ll call out “Counterstrike Totem!” and they’ll focus it down. It does make them have to switch target and give you a second or two to kite.

I’ve tried to get rid of it, the pvp talent, now and again

even though it’s like … a bad tricky joke sometimes, I haven’t seen anything that works better, “Zahruk”

it’s only good in some 1v1 or zerg someone is dedicated healing you, it needs time to work

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Shaman is always on the back burner with blizz, it took half of legion for them to confirm the area ascendance covers when in a raid/group. They need to completely change the way totems work cause no other class has their utility able to be put into a macro/weak aura to alert/target and with 5hp it’s a global

Counterstrike totem is best used as a “grounding totem” to reflect big hits right before they land (gpie as it finishes casting, ret pally when they pop wings and get that first 100% crit etc) and usually on partners since any melee with half a brain will see it plop at your feet and right click it

For anything else you’re setting yourself up for disappointment

You’re a good player when you have an addon that plays the game for you? ‘_’

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I believe this is true as well. However, if I am told it takes a while to start working or am unclear as to exactly what it’s limit is, I have a hard time trusting it as a talent. There for ive decided to stick to another talent that I can trust. The tooltip is not accurate.

I wish that you had recorded it i would have payed money for the lols.

But thay said Counterstrike totem i have seen is good against most melee. I do use it vs mages. Here lately i am getting a lot of mages that will get that instant pyro and blink towards you while casting g pyroblast. If you time it just right and drop the totem just as it is about to hit they have blinked into its range. But again this is what i am seeing in wpvp late at night.

You still take the damage though, it does not reflect it, it just also does that damage to the attacker.

It is a DPS CD, not a defensive CD.

Today a warrior was at 80% when he finished killing me . It isnt throwing back 100% of the damage as it states.

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It’s nerfed to the point of not using when it would one shot on people’s goes in legion.

generally, yes. good players use all the tools available to them to help them perform better. the player still does the work, they just use a tool to help them pay attention to more things than the standard player. its like a job, a person good at their job most likely uses the best tools available to help them do it.