I don't like that allied races are free in SL

I think I was trying to quote somebody else. I am in agreement with you generally on this subject. I’m also to lazy to fix the post.

I agree. You shouldn’t be able to make allied race characters until you’ve been tortured for a few hours, minimum. If you don’t suffer, you’re not allowed to have fun.


eh I got no grieve on it people who got them the original way keeps the achievement for it folks who wait won’t get the acheivement but they don’t have to deal with the snail pace grind and it will be good for folks who want to try those races that are just starting and don’t have to wait till they hit bfa.

Gib panda Lego cloak pls.

No joke! I only did Suramar once because I was burnt out on rep grinding… but honestly that might be the very best zone they ever designed. Rep grinding ruined their exceptional work and I refused to do it on the 45 other alts I ran through legion…

Where I did do Argus like 45 times and enjoyed it (for real)… I was not rep grinding, I was toon-progressing… there is a huuuge difference.

Rep grinds BREAK the illusion - they ruin the game. When I am rolling a toon, and progressing that toon, it’s a game I enjoy. When I am facing straight forward time-gated boring content designed ONLY to slow me down, I hate it.

Flash forward… vessel currency and time-gated content to slow me down from doing visions… UGH horrid design work from a company that knows better.


You beat women? Explains a lot

Free? Did something else change? Last I heard it was revered instead of exalted, which is easier but is very different than free.

Go back to trolling the trade chat OP

Removing the rep is fine and better for the game over all. It’d be straight up ridiculous to expect people to grind Legion to play the race they want in Shadowlands.

Yeah, we put in more “work” to get our allied races unlocked. Guess what we got for that “work”, we got to play them longer than people getting them in Shadowlands.

I was going to ask how do you know he’s American, then this happened lol

Btw, I’m from the USA, unlocked all the AR, and am totally fine with all reps being stricken (or reduced) from unlocking AR.

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That is pretty much completing the story line cheevo

I think I speak for a LOT of players…we’re quite happy that you havent got any say in the matter.
Not everything in this stinking game should be a MINDLESS rep grind, believe it or not
$100 bill says I play FAR more than YOU do, friend…‘lazy’ has NOTHING to do with anything

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Where does “lazy” come into the discussion? I had the first four unlocked way before BFA…got the others unlocked fairly easily. I am among the laziest of players you’ll find and I’ve got them all unlocked. I am perfectly fine with dropping the rep requirements for others and leaving the quest ones in.


Here’s what he doesn’t like.

“I’m less special if other people have my things. Value is based on stuff, not personality, reputation, or how you treat other players”


Maybe they can make the heritage armor rep bound?

People like the OP drive me nuts with that ‘lazy’ crap.
I did the grind for the camel mount. Got it.
Know what I did?
Went out the next day and started that SAME grind again on another character just to DO IT AGAIN.
He doesnt have anything of value to say so trying to demean and belittle other players is pretty much it.

Nah, I’m cool with it. But I don’t feel the need to be special because I got them unlocked early and with rep. I knew then while doing that, that anything can change in the game. And that it was likely because they won’t want people droning through the old expacs. But playing the newest expac.

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check out the allieds, PF and other crap on this account thats been earned.
And if anyone gets it all without doing the work because the requirements are lessened it affects me in no way conceivable.
And IF it did, it would only be just bruising my inflated ego

I have done half of the Allied Race grinds and I can officially say that if I could I would downvote the OP in a hot second. Just let people have fun.


So let me ask you thins, I have all the ARs on the Alliance. Should I be barred from getting the Horde ones to try?