I don’t remember asking for glaive tempest

lol. looks like momentum is gaining some…momentum.

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You took the time to armory my alt? I main a warlock, but nice try.

I don’t raid I think killing people with brains is more enjoyable.

What is fun for you is not fun for me. Now go back to killing ai systems.

Demonic is trash, and with a solid 30sec cd on Eye beam it will stay dead, and I’m happy it’s dead. Do us a favor and quit, some people like change.

The highest arena rating you have is 2022, with a terrible 52% winrate, and you are trying to talk to a 2200 with a 76% winrate, you - are - a- nobody.

What? Maybe it’s dead for pvp now. I honestly don’t know cause I dislike pvp, so not up to date on what’s good in there or not. From preliminary testing by myself and other high end mythic raiders, Demonic is still going to be the go to for raiding at least. Especially with the addition of Furious Gaze now.

So, you main a warlock, yet you’re taking the time to troll a demon hunter forum, and are telling me to quit the game because I believe momentum is bad design (it is).Yes, that makes sense. Head on over to the warlock forums, cause in the context of demon hunters, you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

You really don’t know how to look at achievements lol. And I haven’t q’d arenas in months while on my break, and now catching up on gear.
Also, calling me a “nobody”. Ouch! Feel free to take a look at my armory one week from now if CR is your only interest :slight_smile:

I enjoy both pve and pvp.

Either way, talents and abilities should be well designed. You telling me to quit the game because of this is absurd.
I mean, you clearly came here to troll, so I’ll let this be the last reply to you.
Just, chill out a little.


Momentum is looking solid. We now have an aoe mortal strike that is applied by fel rushing, which is likely mandatory to be taken. As a result, momentum will probably be the favored build. I don’t think this is a bad thing as I think it does create opportunity to raise the class’s skill cap by adding additional buttons to our rotation and creating opportunity costs to our mobility, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s bad design

Just a casual perspective. Having played DH in Legion and BFA, I feel like the class has improved overall considering we were initially designed around our artifact weapon. It looks like there is a chance mastery might become useful. We might not need to talent into trail of ruin or first blood if fel barage and glaive tempest offer a compelling alternative, which seems like a number tuning issue.

I think the real issue is blade dance is an AOE ability that isn’t that great and we pick a talent to reduce it’s cost and make is useful for single target. That just seems like a bad design, which begs the question, is first blood the real issue here? Or blade dance? Without first blood there is not reason to really cast blade dance because it’s too expensive and does too little.

Regardless, there is still a lot of tweaking to the tree and some of our abilities that needs to be done, but this is the closest we’ve come to having choice. I never swapped to vengeance during all of BFA and have never swapped talents. I had fun and was able to do some cool things, but there was never a choice. Now it looks like it’s possible. These changes are a step in a good direction.

So kudos to blizzard, but don’t take your foot off the brake.

He just wants to play demonic and hes mad it sucks now, that’s the story, time to move on.

“me can’t play cookie cutter, me angry”

That isn’t the story at all.
Again, it’s obvious you’re a troll who doesn’t understand anything about the OP. You don’t have much reading comprehension and you reply based on your incorrect interpretation of a post, rather than what the post actually is.

It would be nice if you’d just avoid a thread like this considering those of us who actually main DH’s and understand class design would like to have a reasonable conversation. Find something better to do.

(No idea why so many edits. Phone is bugging out. Haven’t edited this post at all)

This video by Metallurgy is a great sum up to a lot of the problems with DH atm. Hopefully, the devs will watch and listen:


You should find a new hobby. You’re a very boring forum troll

Imagine if barrage was good in general.

If you actually played a demon hunter, you would understand why blade dance feels like a core central short-cd nuke ability. Actual demon hunters understand this because first blood has been the go-to talent for about 3.5 years at this point.

You’re either willfully trolling, or you’re unaware of your own ignorance. Either way, these forums would be much better without you in them.

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Right back at you bud.

Blade Dance doesn’t need to be a short-cd ST and AoE ability or “nuke” as you call it.

I could say that for old warlock meta but it wouldn’t make sense now nor does this make sense for DH. Hell you could say this for lots of classes. Quit your whining and grow up, your ST, Cleave, and AoE shouldn’t be attached to one button and playable on a garage opener.

I genuinely wonder what’s going on that trolling another class’s forums seems like a good use of your time.
Hope it gets better man. All the best

Just mass report the troll.

Likely salty they’d lost a unique playstyle to DH, and still upset about it after how many years.

I guess DH is under the ex-girlfriend category, if that’s even applicable to them.

You want First Blood to be baseline?

Here, instead of first blood you can have a double fb blade dance that does magic damage and is thoroughly useless in pvp.

Are you not unpruned?

Haha. Yup, problem solved!

Really think about the design.
It has no synergy with demonic.
If you spec momentum, you’re taking unbound chaos.
Really, you should be taking unbound chaos regardless, because it’s absurdly stronger than the other talents.

Like in what world do we take glaive tempest? I legitimately don’t understand the talent

And it’s totally useless with any movement!

So it’s crap for pvp, it’s crap in any raid encounter involving heavy movement, it’s crap in M+ with any affix that encourages constant movement (sanguine, the new stupid tornado affix).

Glaive tempest could actually be a lot more useful if it centered on your target and moved with the target if the target moves.