I despise the M+ Old God portals

Do you you as well? Or do you like them? I just find it’s more work than what I’ve already been doing. We have to teleport in and out of them when dead is what bothers me most because I find it unnecessarily tedious and time-consuming. If you like them, let me know! And if you hate them too, let me know! I also accidentally posted on the wrong character (Sybilla), but I do m+ on my Mage here.

If you find 'em tedious, you’re probably using them incorrectly. They’re great at skipping trash you don’t wanna touch. Looking at you, Shrine of Storms.

Ma’am this is a Wendys

Love love love them, easily the best seasonal affix they’ve added this xpac.

if used correctly they are extremely amazing at making routes more efficient and cuts times down. There is dungs i hated doing prior to this season that i now love to do.

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I like not needing a rogue for every run. Or death runs.