I defeated the mage tower tonight. My thoughts

The boss for the frost mage one probably has too much health considering the spec’s over-reliance on procs. It felt like you were just hoping for procs and that, despite ccing, kiting, et cetera like you are supposed to, it boils down to having the luck or not to get the procs to kill him quickly enough before the melee fellow becomes unmanageable.

A bit frustrating when it isn’t the skill but RNG deciding rather or not you succeed. lol

Especially since we can’t even discard them…it’s like they were meant to be kept around.

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That’s funny to hear because I remember stomping it in 7.3.5 LFR gear with the welfare legendary (a necklace?) and the legendary that improved aoe damage. Took like two attempts it was so easy. No prestiege…

Nah, half of the challenge is doing good dps/healing and managing your survival. Just doing the mechanics is what MT was in 7.3 and they were beyond faceroll.

Playing your class correctly is just as important as following the mechanics.

Is in no way balance around legendaries or artifact weapons, it would be beyond impossible if it was like that. Right now is doable and about as hard as when it was out in Tomb of Sargeras.

If I could change one thing it would be the removal of the repair costs


Players had until the end of the expansion to gear up enough to overcome the challenge.

I’m glad the BM one is actually achievable. I went all the way through P3 of MM and barely hurt the boss besides killing the mind controlled brother, and that took every mechanic being dealt with as intended. But by the end he was just taking no damage and shadow bolts just do too much damage for my leach to keep up lol.

Revisiting the Balance one makes me miss Dad Build again, once the adds and the hands start popping up I am spending all my time kiting instead of damaging.

No artifact power weapons and legendaries.

Would’ve been so awesome if this TW restored our artifact somehow in there, since our Shadowlands powers cannot be used it seems.


I agree, I did that fight in legion on an undergeared alt, never played feral, just looked up what talents to use and pressed all the buttons, and the fight took about 2 minutes… Was the easiest fight of them all…

I uninstalled the game, didn’t even bother attempting it after seeing how buggy and poorly designed it is (I beat every challenge back in Legion). Why the hell would they disable things that we had back then ? Purely because they want us to grind boring Shadowlands content so they can get more sub money out of us.

I kept retail installed hoping that these challenges would be good again, but Blizz absolutely screwed the pooch AGAIN. I’m done with WoW and Blizz for now, maybe forever.


I hope it’s not nerfed … I only got Agatha down to 50 percent last night . But I am gonna keep trying , I think I can beat it . If I can’t so be it . The boss is fun .

Not everyone needs to get everything . This is just transmog anyway


If they’re going to keep it as tough as it was back during Legion then it should have equal rewards. Recolor of existing sets doesn’t seem equal with the level of difficulty right now.


You are correct Rem it was this way. Then again it was there perm style and then everyone had plenty of time to farm gear for it… Not 2 weeks.

That makes no sense , every power system from SL is disabled in the Mage Tower. The best gear is actually TW ones from TBC

I dunno man, I went in and had a look at a few of them and they are definitely over tuned. I am a pretty casual player these days but I can still time 20 keys on multiple classes so I’m not trash at the game just yet.

I wouldn’t even want to think about trying to do xylem on my rogue after doing about 20 pulls on my havoc DH.

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This right here is why this version of the mage tower is silly. That and min / maxing gear from previous expansions that people didn’t keep because bag space or didn’t expect it to be needed. Is it possible under the exact right conditions and a bit of luck? Yeah. Should it be this difficult though? Not in my opinion. I’d like to think I’m a decent player (mythic kills, high ish keys, multiple toons 250+ ilvl (not equipped obv, but its there) and I refuse to do the tower until they nerf it lol

Edit: I should clarify what I mean by previous expansions gear. I checked OP’s armory and he had equipped a few pieces of gear from previous expansions. Obviously heirloom gear as per my quote can be obtained rather easily. I was referring to the gear OP had in his armory.


It would for players who actually played Legion…Not everyone played legion.
But I can see why Convoke is not allowed :smiley:

As holy pala, there is quite a bit of RNG. I only managed to get into 2nd room once. I simply don’t have fast enoygh GCD’s to account for 30%/tick/second damage going out.
As bear, I managed to get Kruul to 26%, but it was SOOOO MESSY. It was impossible to navigate.
As rogue, I simply die to lack of self sustain.

You can still get the legendaries though. Even if they are all disabled regardless. The crafted plate belt is the best belt for the mage tower for plate users simply because it comes with 3 sockets and it’s ilvl is above ilvl 50. So you don’t have to worry about getting one from chromie time or other sources since it will get scaled down.