I can't wait for Blizzcon to announce


Iā€™m still waiting for them to tell us why they call Invincible, Invincible.

If itā€™s Invincible, why can we see it?

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Bonus rage moments if they have lfr comes out day 1 of cata.

I mean it did come. Just like RDF. lets jsut drop it now Iā€™d see. wrath showed they spent many person hours, lots of money to not have RDF in. And yetā€¦it came. Why make the same mistake, twice.

The rage of 1000ā€™s of wow geeks upset about a completely optional raid mode they donā€™t have to do beyond a compulsive need toā€¦it be great times.

See on a recent eve start up to prep to try out new expac this month I looked at why I left in the first place.

What burned me out? I asked myself. What had me hate the game.

And I plan on not doing that again. So far this has had me log inā€¦and like it a lot.

Heā€™s just sitting on his butt like he always does

How would that happen? LFR wasnā€™t implemented until Dragon Soul, the final raid of Cata.

The classics are based on last patch of the expac.

Wrath came out 3.3.5+ day 1. Only things turned off were raid access or say items for later raids/crafting changes.

They took a 3.3.5 snapshot, turned off voa and higher raid and there was day 1.

then turned on voa. then ulduar. All that code was still there.

edit: but even if only last raid people would rage. Win win really.

I thought we left Baine in sitting on his booty in Oribos?

Okay, butā€¦

So in other words: no LFR, because Dragon Soul is the last raid.

So until the turn on DS, thereā€™s no LFR.

you replied too fast for my editā€¦lol

even if only last raid people would rage. Win win really. they delayed rdf imo till most anti rdf jsut didnā€™t care imo.

i cant wait for them to announce a lot of stuff then later not do 80% of what they said

Why? LFR was available day one of the raid being released in Cata.

DS LFR was easily its worst iteration. It was pure, unadulterated chaos.

To me, it was the best version. You couldnā€™t AFK it. It was just Normal with a bit less damage and all mechanics. Guilds used it for practice for Normal.

Oh, as far as that goes, yeah. It was fine. But trying to get loot was nearly impossible.

Eh, I was used to that from ICC 25. lol

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Youā€™d have to ask the purists here. Social died! or something.

MM 5800+ lfg UK

posted every 2 minutes is apparently social to some.

I remember what that was like, too. I always got annoyed when I lost Nibelung on my mage. Guess there wasnā€™t much of a difference between the two in that regard.

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I donā€™t know what this means.


RDF then LFR supposedly killed wow being social.

the non RDF way to be social is to say in LFG channel

MM 5800+ lfg UK.

marksman hunter gearscore 5800+ looking for Utgarde keep.

spec gearscore looking for a dungoen.

It wasnā€™t very social to me. LFR if announced is this fun all over again.

probably hanging out with gamon somewhere