I can't believe after all our feedback, voidform stays



This is coming from an extremely casual player and I have enjoyed playing SP in most xpacs including Voidform even though there are issues with it. My favorite probably was shadow orbs when they were increased to 5 or TBC shadow.

Since they will not remove Voidform could they just add 2 ways to activate VF? One could be with Void Eruption, this could be our AOE version where it works the same as now but they add that it applies SW:P & VT to up to 10 targets where the primary target dots tick at 100% and the other targets dots tick at 50%.

The second way to enter VF would be DP and this would be our single target method where they could buff DP’s current damage but this would provide us with 15% Haste and 5% Crit or Mastery. This would last during VF and for 20 seconds after and entering a new VF would remove this buff unless you use DP to enter VF again.

We would still gain haste stacks in both versions of VF mentioned above.

I am not a theory crafter so these numbers are not set in stone, just wondering if something like this would work if they are going to keep Voidform.

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I’m against Voidform. But if it was to stay, what else can we do?

Maybe our insanity starts at 50 when out of combat?

Maybe insanity does not drain faster and faster when in Voidform?

And leave in devouring plague so we can actually use it while in Voidform?

I dunno. That might make it a little less heart attack inducing to use.

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then it didn’t stay…what you suggested has been suggested and flashed out in good details, but Blizz won’t listen so…#removevoidform

VF gone = Spec rework = They need to sit down and take a deep look into the spec = drastic changes that we need.

they will need to rework the spec if VF is gone due to that they will have to address the core issues they just won’t be restricted by VF.


as a Shadow priest for 15years, voidform ruined the spec its terrible nobody plays it unless they just want to be a snowflake different it performs terrible and it parses like a potato

voidform needs to go


ahahaha. We’re awesome


Not to mention, what the hell do I do for the weeks leading in to my conduits? Do I just play an unfun class? And undersigned clunk of code? Seriously?


I think for starters we should be sitting at 20~40 Insanity out of combat.

Voidform, when out of combat, needs to end at this 20 Insanity marker. This would fix our questing like you would never believe. This also makes dungeons of every level feel much better.

Our questing rotation, fresh out of town, should be: Vampiric Embrace, Shadow Word Pain, Mind Blast, Void Eruption. Proceed. Or via talents: Vampiric Embrace (via misery), Shadow Word: Void, Void Eruption, Go.
The class is balanced around being in Voidform. So put us in Voidform. #removevoidform crowd wants to be relevant much more quickly. So give it to us. #savevoidform wants their Voidform. So give it to them.

Second, Shadowy Apparitions needs to go. This creates a nasty feedback loop between crit and haste, and is what sets us up as being an insane scaling class. Give all of our abilities an Insanity generation boost to compensate.

Third, just make the 25% damage boost go away. It’s ALL haste gains. Our baseline shadow priest should be plenty strong. This makes the class feel better in questing, in dungeons, in PvP. Everywhere. It’s just healthier for the game.

I don’t care if everyone complains about Voidform not being impactful enough. When it’s ‘impactful enough’, we have this current state of Shadow where content across the board feels bad. Cut it out. Seriously.

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Yea, I think we should put the +damage back into Shadow Form and “Void Form” is a talent or baseline ability that replaces Power Infusion.

Bam you got most of what Shadow was back and you have Void Form that is balanced around a CD and it fits the theme.

I mean people that want Void Form to be a thing seem to also have no issues having a baseline CD in the form of Power Infusion, so that means they are okay having a DPS CD and if that’s correct then just “Infuse” Power Infusion and Void Form and call it a DPS CD and we all win.

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My only gripe with Orbs back in the day was the lack of ways to spend them. If I recall correctly was either DP or the stun?

Maybe shadow orbs could be used defensively, to cast a strong shield, as well.

Eh a strong offense is usually better then a strong defense. If you can stun the target, then you have a free casting window to blow them up. That is what the “Horrify” allowed you to do.

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DP healed you for all damage it dealt, it was great defensively and offensively, and instead of having an explicit aoe spender we had increased generation in aoe through AS, and interaction with our aoe filler (mind sear) through MFI.

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Its funny how when you think about it, using orbs for 1 ability caused a bunch of interactions that I think most people don’t consider or just write off.

You got people saying that its just like Holy Power (Which btw they got Holy Power the same time Priest got Shadow Orbs just saying).

Or you got people that say it was only used on 1 spell so it was boring etc.



Bring up the damage if you don’t atone ppl in Disc if Spriest is gona stay in this state. I’ll gladly dps as disc

I think if VF stays, it should be done one of three ways.

  1. DPS cool down. Instant cast, Void Eruption, allows all abilities to be cast while moving, even Mind Flay and Mind Sear. Duration is a specific time, dealer’s choice. It would just work better.

  2. VF would be a build and spend mechanic. Insanity would act more like Warrior’s rage. Building and spending would be the name of the game here. Each ability would generate insanity, and there would be new ones (plural) to spend it on. If you cap your insanity, you burst into void energy, and while your spells would do more damage, their CDs are increased. So, you’d want to cap insanity as close to a heavy movement phase of a boss as possible, where having to hard cast an ability with a longer CD wouldn’t be a detriment. Again, duration of VF would be a set time, dealer’s choice, as there’d be no extending it.

  3. Much like the second, it would be kind of a build and spend spec. However, you’d build insanity, activate VF, duration would be as long as you’re in combat, or until you lose all insanity. All abilities would be augmented for the entirety of VF for more damage.

All three of these could be different talents, as well, and all three would have the base shadow spells be strong in their own right. All this needless “wet noodling” of abilities pre-VF is dumb.

Minor tweak.

I think mind flay should stay as it is and only be used during your VF window for its utility.
Instead, I think the rotation should be used by your other abilities and have the CD’s align while VF is up to never need to use mind flay while your in it.

I think of it like this… why use a “filler” ability during your CD DPS window?
So just make it so we just don’t need to press it unless we want the utility from it.
That way, you can feel a lot more mobile while not needing to add in the clunky factor of mind flay while moving because it will be clunky.