I can no longer play WoW

So here’s what I did and it seems to have stopped:

  1. Deleted cache folder
  2. Went into Graphics options and made sure that my video card was set to the actual video card and not “automatic”
  3. Also made sure DX 12 was selected and not “automatic”

There has to be some kind of specifics to this “memory leak”. Every time my game has crashed over the past 20 years, it was a memory access violation. It’s the most common crash error and ppl assume it’s a memory leak. The most RAM my PC has used today was 16 out of 32GB.

You’re still ignoring the bug reports for this problem that’s cropped up since Tuesday, eh?

The game isn’t even using mass amounts of memory for this crash to happen.

You seriously need to back off the attitude, because it’s happening for people with DX12, as well.

It happened to me earlier on DX12, the game wasn’t even using much memory at all, I have 32gb and you’re just acting condescending without even understanding the issue.


If their RAM isn’t being filled up, it’s not a memory leak. Also, using more RAM than necessary doesn’t make it a leak. Leaked memory is memory that doesn’t get garbage collected when the program closes.

The game is literally crashing and spitting out an error dialogue that says it’s run out of memory. What do you call that then???

Okay, let me put this as simply as I can.

Game freezes. Box pops up in front of game. Claims there’s a memory leak. Cannot close game. Have to wait for the windows box to pop up to close it.

We know there’s no memory leak. But the game claims there is. Something is wrong with the latest update that is causing this.

For the love of all that is green and good… will people please read the bug report forum. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Running out of memory error message can be a result of several conditions.

And this one is a problem from Blizzard’s update on Tuesday and is in the bug reports forum.

This is incorrect.

A memory leak occurs when a running process fails to free memory that is no longer needed. This is problematic if it happens on a recurring basis.

When a process ends on modern operating systems, all memory it has allocated is freed. There is an edge case where drivers and/or subsystems which continue to run allocate memory on behalf of a process and do not correctly free it upon process exit; this is generally referred to as a resource leak. (Most resource leaks are resolved when a process terminates.)

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My setting was not on dx11 and this is happening. I’m sure I’m not the only one. No one running win10 and up is using dx11. But ah yes. The classic “well if it didn’t happen to me it must not be a real issue” excuse. :man_facepalming:

From your very first smooth brain response, can you stop trolling this thread please?

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“memory leaks” isn’t about the amount of ram… it’s usually about the code and other things, I can’t remember the exact explanation but I’m pretty sure its due to something about allocating the ram.

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It’s unfortunate (that it’s happening) but I’m glad to see this post (because it’s happened to me.) The game crashed because it said I didn’t have enough memory to run the game, which I thought odd, because this is the first time in 20 years that I’ve ever gotten that error and crash.

Anybody know if there’s a fix?


That sucks, OP. I’ve always thought most of your posts are pretty high quality / interesting / worthwhile. So I hope your problem gets fixed.

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