I call BS that flex raids aren't possible

100% with you. My little guild has 6 RL friends in it, sometimes a 7th. We do 10-man raids just fine and enjoy the extra challenge of being down a few people. We don’t want to recruit, we want this to be our weekly social event with each other. We all used to be hardcore raiders in the old days and would sooner unsub than go back to that lifestyle. The thing is, I just know we can’t be the only people in our 30s and 40s now who want the game, or any game, to be a weekly poker night among distant friends. To us, a social multiplayer game is among people we know and love to game with, not queues with anons who basically function as NPCs.

I’ve made a few posts about this but always get shut down. It’s just nice to see you post something that is in line with what my friends and I really want these days. Man, I just wish there was a game for us. We have money, we’d pay, but if SoD keeps in this direction we’re out. We don’t even mind being on Lava Lash, it’s actually kinda nice now without any bots or people gaming the AH.