I bought it and it didnt work

I did faction change. Made toon on Illidan into a Draenei and made it all cool looking and everything. It said pending so I logged out and then back in. It auto put me in as a female dwarf using a name I did not select. Illidan US Horde.

I selected the exact Draenie features that I wanted and it kept logging me back in as an orc. Then when I logged out and back in, I was the Draenei that I selected for less than a second, screen flashed, I was logged out so went to log back in and came back in as a female dwarf which I did not select.

I went to PTR first to copy my warrior over there then made it look exactly how I wanted it to. Then copied 100% of everything from my Draenei over there to DF server.

On PTR 10.2.7. second toon down WoW1 account Nobundo server. That is the exact look and name I gave to my toon when did the change on retail. So what I purchased is an exact copy of that toon. That is what I selected and paid for. I got a random race and appearance. I did not select as well as a name I did not select even though it showed me logging in looking like and named like what I selected. So I go to log in and am logged in exactly like that for barely more than a second then am logged out and am now a different name and race from what I started and what I selected.

Uh … that sounds really odd. There are some items in the game, as well as quests, which will change your name and race. You’re sure you haven’t been hit by one of those?

It’s pretty common in the Dragonflight areas for sudden race changes to happen. The log-out sounds iffy though.

You don’t have a name (or names?) handy?

Yea Blizz can look and see. They will know exactly what I am talking about with the info that I gave.

Right but they dont do it on this forum if ypu found a bug need to report it on the bug forum.


I have been submitting a bug report for my glitched sham bars since Wrath came out. And guess what? Still glitched.

In original version of Wrath. Fix never happened.

Just logged back in right now to my shaman…and two of the rows were all blank when I had stuff on them before.

And I have a ticket up and running for a glitch that happened for a missing item that disappeared from my account as soon as Cata launched. 7 days until that gets fixed and answered…so they say. They cant even fix shaman bars for an entire expac.

Also…guild chat is bugged in Cata too.

It is very likely hat the bug that was affecting it earlier in the expac probably was fixed and it’s another bug causing the same or similar issue. This happens often.

But honestly sounds like you have an axe to grind.

This forum isn’t for reporting bugs or ranting about them.


Put in a ticket. Keep it simple. I can’t follow your OP and it’s only 4 sentences. Just put in you had trouble with the faction change, it changed you to a dwarf instead of a Illidari. There are no GM’s on the forum.


I have one up and running about a missing item in Cata Classic.


If you’d like to go over the issues you’re encountering one at a time, we may be able to isolate the problem or provide some insight. We need to know the exact details as it’s not really clear what’s going on with any of the situations you’d mentioned.

You mentioned you purchased a race change but became some other race, with some other name, shortly after login.

Are you able to relate the name? Are you able to list off your buffs? Can you provide a screenshot of your entire display at the time?


I will have to wait and do as Kozzae says as soon as the issue with my other ticket gets fixed.

And yes I spent all the time to customize the race I wanted, and had the name, then I log in as a different race )dwarf) and an old orc name that I have not used since I did the arena tournament for WoTLK. I used my ATR name later that year in WoW…and that was so many years ago. So quite a bug to pull that old of a name out and then have it over my name I just put in and then to also remove you from the guild you are in as well. But yea I can do what Kozzae says as soon as I get the chance to.

Alright, I hope it gets sorted quickly for you.

Purchase failure tickets typically need to be opened ASAP; when you do so, Kozzae’s link is appropriate.

Good luck.


I answered your other post.

I suspect a proper reset UI will do you a world of good.

May not help everything - there have been a few bugs, but what you ticketed about, yes, I strongly suspect it will help that.