I am not an investor. Explain the Game Stop thing to me please

After market is around $330 rn

I just funded my own stimulus check if we can maintain this momentum

Until the squeeze is squoze I will hold.

Lets get those diamond hands boys

TD & Fidelity are still fulfilling orders.

Drop Robinhood.

This is not investment advice


Rich People: The poor should just invest.

Poor People Invest

Rich People: No stop, you’re not allowed. Quick call the government and make the peasants stop.


Yeah too big to fail

Too poor to matter

Something about the above is out of place you chose.


There is a class action lawsuit directed at Robinhood now. I read somewhere that the sompany who just invested 2.6 billion into Melvin owns a 60% stake in Robinhood…


Saw this and thought it was funny enough to add to this conversation:

Bankrupted Hedge Fund Managers To Receive $600 Stimulus | The Babylon Bee


There’s a good lesson for al of us here. GameStop probably isn’t worth what the Reddit Crew bid it up to, but we’ve all learned that only the Fed and its chosen are allowed to inflate asset bubbles.


I sure do hope more stuff like this happens, watching the rich squeal is incredibly satisfying.


Robin Hood cheats the peasants (you and me) then commits suicide in the town square today to save the sheriff (Melvin, Citron etc) because Prince John (Citadel) actually owns Robin Hoods a** .

We live in the twilight zone.


Honestly just sounds like complex gambling gone out of hand.


It makes you wonder what Robin Hood management got in exchange for preventing its customers from buying shares today, even as other brokerages were allowing their customers to trade it.

Lucrative buyout on the horizon? :wink::wink:


Makes you wonder what was at stake that Robin Hood would rather burn their company to the ground than letting these Hedge fund crooks bleed to death, huh?


You forgot the “Hey” at the beginning…

I know the feeling though… Siri on my phone is a ***** too…

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You’re not wrong. Many of us sport gambling addicts turned to day trading for our fix

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I remember an instructor saying that only the ‘right’ people are allowed to manipulate the market. If you’re not one of the ‘right’ people, the casino operators will send out their enforcers to bust your kneecaps. Figuratively speaking of course.


So with the voodoo of the stock market aside…what does this actually mean for Gamestop as a business?

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It will most likely go belly up anyways.

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people gambled against the game and won and the House is mad

nothing illegal, but when the House loses, the game is over

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Gamestock should say they need capital to embark on a new direction for the company and issue shares to raise cash. What that new direction would be, I don’t know, come up with something. That’s why they get paid.

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People just really like the stock. :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :gem: :raised_hand:


Well, they already have a new billionaire with executive powers in the company, and he is already making decent changes, if anything this whole stock warfare bought him more time to enforce more changes before they get the life squished out of them but as far as I’ve seen, WS is doubling down on its bet that it will fail, eventually.

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