I am Interested in WrA!

Hello! My name is Jordrend, I am an experienced RPer hailing from the realm of Emerald Dream. I won’t say too much, but as much as I still love ED, RP on the server has been extremely sparse recently, and it’s only getting worse it feels like. Wyrmrest Accord has always been my backup option, so I have 2 questions for the denizens here:
First, how active is the RP community here? Interested in both Horde and Alliance side. Is there a lot of guilds, do they interact a lot, is there a lot of community events?
Secondly, is there a death knight focused guild?


I’m not sure if any DK guilds but with the restrictions on them being lifted we might be seeing one or two form.

Otherwise WRA is a great place for RP, community and friends. I’m on Horde side and am always running into people I know and are friendly with and have no problems finding someone to play with.

Hope you come over and try us out!


Hmm, any edgelord guilds in general then XD I always tend to enjoy those

I am 100% certain you can find those here. Alliance side I’m not too sure on, but I’m sure someone can help you find what you’re looking for!

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Faction balance is pretty even, though with a noticeable Horde bias. That said, I RP both factions and have fun as both Alliance and Horde.

I’m not sure about the guilds though - my RP hours are weird so I’m often not involved in them.

As for DK guilds I’d 100% recommend The Shadow Vault. They’re still kicking, and during the crossfac DK Discord organised by Aquilari (who quit and took her discord with her), they were cool contributors.


Ooh they look cool!

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And we’re interested in you! Jordrend!


there is an edgelord dk guild roleplaying in stormwind but i’d be darned if i could remember its name. im sure you’ll find them

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